24 June 2009






“If we can convince the private company that owns the park land to keep most of it as a public amenity, we won’t say no to having a small part of it developed.” He said.


“It will be crazy for the state government to acquire it as the land cost for the 29.14ha park is estimated to be more than RM100mil.” ( 2009-06-23 STAR METRO pg M4)


Taman Subang Ria 的课题从九十年代就一直谈到现在,可以上纲查询有关资料(http://www.usj.com.my/bulletin/upload/showthread.php?t=4248),从前国阵州政府到现民联政府,公园地主森那美集团从没放弃发展这地段。前任国阵国州议员曾安排无数次的地主市民对话,都没有令市民满意的解决方案。2007年开始,当公园地主森那美集团重呈发展计划,前国阵州政府深受市民及当时的反对党责问及谴责,结果发展计划被搁置。



你又说如州政府得付超过马币一千万去收购这29.14公顷地段,是不可理喻不可思议!!那请问当时反对发展的理由又是什么?只因当时未执政,为反对而反对?!还是对地方发展条规无所知,现执政了才知道有条规的约束?你对市民的要求当不可理喻不可思议(crazy) ,你对得起支持你民联政府的市民?还是当官了,官腔讲官话?


难道刘行政议员应证此一时彼一时的说法?还听说首邦市市民为此大感不满,杨巧双急得明天召开记者招待会灭火。USJ6空地建商业楼问题,前朝不批今朝批准; Taman Subang Ria 要建高级公寓,前朝搁置今朝看来批准时刻不远。




  1. Sime Darbi is a very terrible group, even it is belong to government but it is very greedy...IJM also want to take over...........really sick about this bloody company........it is musang berbulu ayam. Who is behide this giant company??? UMNOlah!

  2. Sime darbi is so giant, and people have to cosolidating efforts to fight this "terrible company:!

    I think you know, it is time to tackle the problem as this terrible company is not small guy. Who is behide it? Setanlah!

  3. 2007年开始,当公园地主森那美集团重呈发展计划,前国阵州政府深受市民及当时的反对党责问及谴责,结果发展计划被搁置。



  4. Anonymous,Thank you for your comments though I prefered you have a name.

    Othman Lebai Saad, thank you for writing comments in English and Chinese.

    Both of you have focus your attention on the land developer, but not a word on the persons Ronnie Liu and Hannah Yeoh who represent the state government.

    Let us be objective in handling issues, we practice free market/capitalism, we hope and expect the company to practice compassionate capitalism. However, the state government is the authority to decide on the apporoval of any project.

  5. I do not read Chinese, but reading your quotes in the STAR online newspaper I can see that you choose to be selective in your comments too. That is not being professional too.


    We all know that YB Hannah Yeoh stands firmly with the residents on this issue and she even called for a press conference to voice her disagreement to YB Ronnie Liu's comments. Did you highlight that? You chose to use a broad brush to paint the DAP in a bad light, again for your own political gains. You politicians just can't think with the mind of the rakyat anymore.

    For your info, view this clip:


  6. Choong,

    Appreciate your concerns.I write the comments
    on Taman Subqang Ria 1 day before YB Hannah Yeoh's PC on the same issue.

    I am glad she stand firm and disagree with YB Ronnie Liu's remarks at the MPSJ local draft plan meeting.

    All Subang Jaya residents are concern when YB Ronnie Liu made that remarks, otherwise YB Hannah Yeoh need not hold the PC and stressed on this point. So, please be objective when you said I am selective and not being professional in my comments.

    While you said I use a broad brush to paint the DAP in a bad light, please be objective again to read my many articles in my blogs. I am one of the many MCA bloggers who often write on issues and comments on the political scenes, may it be issues on Barisan or Pakatan governments. We are not only handle our comments professionally but very objective in assessing situations.

    Do accept that whether in Barisan or Pakatan, do have people who take people interest to their heart and vice versa.

    A country will progress well when both controlling party and opposition party are able to stand for issues and not, one party is always right and the other is always in the wrong. Bias opinions and unnecessary ridicules, do not help to improve the political scene.

    I know what is in the mind of the rakyat, based on your thought, the easiest way is to jump wagon and ride on the wave. But when everyone who has political idelogy do that, one side dwindle and one side gigantic, the same story goes. The scenerio in Taiwan is what we have to take note.

    Thank you again for your time to visit my blog even though you do not read Chinese. I hope to invite someone to help me in getting my Chinese write up translate to English. If you have any one in mind, do not hesistate to introduce to me.

  7. 贵区非常幸运有Hannah Yeoh把关。

    她更勇敢的同党同仁ronnie 呛声,这是在马华当权时期所看不到的.

    谢谢 Ms Ong 把这件事情带出来,让我们看到了杨议员敢做敢当为民喉舌的一面。

    Subang jaya 区下次一定会再让这位高素质的议员连任。

  8. Dear Ong,

    After cruising over all the MCA fellow blogs, I consider your blog as a decent one among others.

    You seldom use harsh words to deride or rebuke those who hold a different view from you, be it an opposition stalwart or anonymous whoever inveighs against you. Moreover, you seem like not easily being irked by those vitriols.

    Such refined temperament has intuitively won my respect.

    My raised question is : A high quality politician like you why still cling to MCA ? MCA is akin to a ruined vessel which is well-recognized nationwide.

    It's just regrettable to see you sink gradually with a rudderless ship.

    I would like to hear your view on that.

  9. Mountebank, 谢谢你对我的赞赏。


    我了解国民求变的心态,我也想变,所以我根据事件的对错去讨论去争辩,而不是用情绪或偏见。有一句话说: You may win in the arguement, but you lose a friend. 我认为,重要的是end results,过程或 approach 是可以flexible。


