29 September 2010


马华雪州联委会副秘书王钟璇今日指出,负责国家干训局的课程的一些官员,已偏离了该局的传递爱国精神及团结团民的宗旨,完全违背首相提倡的"一个马来西亚"理念; 也和当初七十年代设立国家干训局栽培忠心的公务员的任务背道而驰。内阁不能让这批官员放肆继续发表谬论,必须向滥用这管道的官员采取对付行动。
她发表文告指出,她今日被标题为"公开闭门会议内容不道德"的一篇新闻报导所吸引,阅读后的第一个反应是可以用"我的天啊!(oh my god!)来形容当下的感受。
"国家干训局副总监哈敏胡先在这项闭门会议,说三道四,贬低他人; 这类不会尊重各族的官员,在要求他人依法时,如何会有公信力?" 她说,批评指责媒体的有关官员,在要求媒体依法办事的同时,也必须确保本身及同事坚守法律,尊重各族国民。

王钟璇指出,她对于国家干训局出现这类官员,深表遗憾。她批评,这不具名的高官指 "闭会会议内容不应渲染,发言者说不定在开玩笑",这根本是自圆其说的藉口。这不是玩笑大会,是干训课程。在这各族关系紧绷时,身为国家高官竟没有敏感度,不协助缓和加强各族互相包容接纳,还使用这种"酒鬼" 及"单眼皮"的玩笑?
她强调,有关官员在一群可能在未来国家行政结构里,扮演重要角色的巫统女青年团,荼毒她们的思想; 这将造成她们对友族的偏见,进而也对国家和谐造成伤害。她质疑,目前一些机构公务人员的思维,跟有关官员的思路相似,这有可能是干训局一手造成的成果。

相关文章: http://chongswen.blogspot.com/2009/12/blog-post.html


28 September 2010

Not an issue yet an issue

Today, I saw Chinese Newspapers posted & reported Chinese Leaders Of Keadilan in Malay costumes, including wearing songkok to attend Hari Raya Open House. I do not think there is any issue here, we have our National Malay leaders wearing Chinese shirts with trousers & Cheongsam to attend Chinese New Year Open House. Or wearing Indian costumes to attend Deepavali open house, or Kadazan costumes, Iban costumes, Dayak costumes etc. We Are 1 Family. What is the problem?

The problem was created over that past many years, thanks to the "good" work of DAP ! DAP claimed to be multi-racial, not representing Chinese interests, but never failed to "speak out" for Chinese and "eye" for Chinese densely populated area to contest for seats. DAP has taken every opportunity to "hantam" MCA leaders, especially when they attended functions with songkok. They painted MCA party as community defector & stired up the Chinese resentments. The Chinese community faced some short-comings in the national administration, tempted to buy their saying. MCA leaders were cornered, other community leaders were also concerned; tried hard to refrain from the "accusations" posted by the "great" DAP leaders, as none of the leaders wanted to be seen as community defector.

They were the opposition when they started the "poking" games, they never expected to rule the states, so they can say anything they like. But now DAP are eating their own "medicine", their Speaker & Exco members were in full Malay costumes with songkok in state assembly hall and other occassions, in the pretext to sustain in power. At the same time, they chose to close 2 eyes when their counterparts in Pakatan also came in full Malay costumes. Now, What say you? Why double triple standard ???


26 September 2010


刚阅读'吾说八道'的部落,觉得很有意思; 但在阅读后不仅有点心酸:"为什么部分国民无论DAP怎么搞,都像'慈父宠溺孩儿'似的包容; 而无论马华怎样努力,却像'严母鞭挞孩儿'似没有一丝接纳。是同情'弱者'所然,或是反'主流'反'体制'心态所致?如果说是'弱者',那已是过去,现在雪州可是马华受打压及边缘化; 如果说是反'主流'反'体制'心态,难道忘了DAP现在部分州属已当家成主流?

吾说八道在其部落说说: "会千百种政治才艺,不如学会政治思考。"









22 September 2010

Yes, Nazri; Nah, LKS.

I have 6 years primary education in a Chinese primary school, then continued to take up Chinese language as POL (people own language) in secondary school. I used to read news or articles in Chinese, then picked up English news later. This habit of mine in fact let me have the opportunity to see and feel the different approach and sentiment of the same news written in both languages.

I would like to comment on Dato Seri Nazri’s stand on “We are Malaysians above all” in yesterday Malaysiakini Chinese version(“大马人优先有何问题?”纳兹里公开信反击前锋报), and pledged full support for his courage, guts and sensible views. I read the 16 comments selected and posted in the Malaysiakini English version('Yes, Nazri, we like your parting shot'), I couldn't be more agreeable to Imran Shah who said: "You can be proud of whatever roots you have. But when you are entrusted to be part of a government, you have to champion all your subjects fairly."

Dato Seri Nazri has made his stand clear and questioned Utusan's intention of making a fuss out of his statement. He has to brave through the wave and current to make the statement. At most of the time, it is more difficult to comment matters within the party or community, for you may be sideline as a different voice or taken as a traitor. Then compared to someone in the opposition, who can just blared blared blared, shit and mess around, clean his hands, fold up his arms and watch with a grin. What the Chinese said, " You die is your own matter, I watch the show."(你死你的事,我看戏。)People of right mind, will back Dato Seri Nazri to put thing in order without condition.

I read Lim Kit Siang's immediate response to Dato Seri Nazri's statement in the Chinese version, somehow, the same response written in the English version is not as in depth. Lim Kit Siang instead of helping to put the situation in order, backing Dato Seri Nazri and giving him the strength to face critics, is back to his old "Poking" game again. Lim Kit Siang on the pretext of supporting and praising Dato Seri Nazri, but using Dato Seri Nazri’s stand to challenge others. He is trying to put fire on every possible opportunity to create scene.

This is a “political fox”(政治狐狸)talking, what he wants to achieve through challenging others to resign? Will what he said better the situation? Help the country? Good for Malaysians? No, He has to make a lot of noise and using "Sun Tze" strategy to let Dato Seri Nazri shot down by own people (借刀杀人), talking about "Malaysians First" but aiming at other targets(声东击西); hopefully the situation do not improve, after all he does not need to provide solution. The messy the situation, the better the opportunity stand(乱世出英雄). He is worried that Dato Seri Nazri's statement is well received by the rakyat, he is even more worried that the rakyat will go back to the "Pendulum Theory" by giving the acceptable candidates of BN a chance.

Since his dream of becoming Chief Minister of Penang can only be achieved by his adorable son, now he has to make sure he steps onto Putra Jaya to achive his dream personally. He has to let everyone in BN to rot and can never afford to let BN any chance to repent or to revive. He will not allow anybody stand in his way, even if they are his own people; many were dropped in the history of his party even though they were well received by the rakyat then, what more if is from BN. Get rid of others, then only can he sustains the "market" for himself and his party.

I can not blame him, he is playing the game just like any other politician will do to survive, even at the expense of turbulence. But as a man who used to talk "great", would expect him to take the country's interst above personal interest. I used to respect him, even though I do not agreed with what he said at times. But as he get egotistic, just like his old pal Tun Mahatir, is always up to something, then enough is enough. Please put aside party political mileage, please do not play the issue as a political game and get everybody burnt.

My thought flow in the Chinese-educated way, struggling to make sense in my second language, as requested by some friends who wish to read in English.

Related article in Chinese written on April 2010



21 September 2010

Pesta Raya Tanglung 1 Malaysia (2)

MCA Kelana Jaya has always been around, rain or shine, tsunami or not; for the past years, we do not run away from our responsibilities as community and political leaders. We have been walking around to meet our supporters & residents, addressing issues & share views on nation building to our best in our capacity. Thank you to our counterparts in Barisan Nasional and other organisations, we are able to work closely in Kelana Jaya, thank you for your participation & cooperation.

We acknowledged that some of the previous leadership whether at local or national level had its shortcoming; we are aware that the leaders then, may not heard your voices or not done enough to your expectation. But, I appeal to you to give the new leaders rooms to improve; do not burden the present leaders with the incompetence of past leaders, and do not deter us from walking on the path to serve you better. Whatever happened 2 & half years ago, we have faced the difficult situations & that has made us more determine to work harder than the previous leaders.

Changes will happen when there is willingness to change from within & with the pressure groups from outside. Yes, give us a chance to prove to you our sincerity for changes, we can be as good, if not better. We will not only focus on local issues, but continue to voice our views on issues that are related to the welfare of all rakyat to the top leaders. Under the leadership of Perdana Menteri Dato Sri Najib Tun Razak, we will work towards a better country.


Pesta Raya Tanglung 1 Malaysia (1)

I attached my speech for Pesta Raya Tanglung 1 Malaysia in "My Views", to share my thought and message with my friends who were not able to make it to Sunway Pyramid Blue Atrium on 18-09-2010. I would also take this opportunity to say "Zhong Qiu Jie Kuai Le" (中秋节快乐)。

"Pertama sekali, saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua penghuni dari Kawasan Parlimen Kelana Jaya, juga kawan-kawan dari tempat dekat dan jauh, yang datang ke Sunway Pyramid malam ini. Tonight, your presence has made it a special Night, a night that we were able to celebrate Hari Raya Aidil Fitri, Hari Malaysia and Mid-autumn festival which all fall in this month of September.

I was told by someone that Hari Raya Aidil Fitri is religious based & Mid-autumn Festival is traditional based, I should not put them together. But in Malaysia, is the spirit of acceptance & spirit of joy & love, that bind all of us together. Both celebrated with lights that shined & showed the way of Muhibah. We can have moon cakes with ketupat, pelita with Tanglung, Bendera Malaysia dan Tanglung 1 Malaysia, Silat dan Wushu, Dragon dance dan Kompang. The list can go on, after all, we were together for hundreds of years. Yes, Orang Melayu atau Orang Tionghua, Orang India, Kadazan, Dayak dan kaum-kaum lain di Malaysia, We the Malaysians, celebrate all festivals together. Syabas dan Taniah !

What we have seen here tonight, we should not take it for granted, it is the continuous efforts of our forefathers and the present national leadership, that we have this beautiful place called“Malaysia”. Our forefathers landed in this land hundreds of years ago, they sweat and bled and had worked hard for this land. We are not going to trade off “Malaysia”, Malaysia is for everyone, & every one is responsible to protect Malaysia from the extremists, from the unscrupulous politicians.
We will not be able to organize tonight Pesta Raya Tanglung 1 Malaysia, in this world class magnificent place without the supports of Mr. HC Chan, Mr. Kevin Tan and the Sunway Pyramid team, not forgetting Puan Sri Susan Cheah who is a dear friend to me. We wish to have your continuous supports in years to come. I also want to recognise the efforts of the organizing committee, under the able leadership of William Cha & Lim Kok Sai. The committee has worked for many weeks, to make tonight a memorable event, please join me to say “Thank you”.

Di sini, Saya ingin mengambil kesempatan mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih di atas kehadiran Timbalan Menteri dari Kementerian Pembanguanan Wanita, Keluarga & Masyarakat YB Senator Heng Saei Kei. Though you were not able to be with us last year, you have supported our event; it is not too late for me on behalf of MCA Kelana Jaya to say “Thank you very much”, and another big “Thank you” for your presence tonight to grace the event.


19 September 2010


(吉隆坡17日讯)马华雪州委员会副秘书王钟璇,对于首相拿督斯里纳吉宣布的“一个马来西亚牛奶计划”表示欢迎; 不过提醒有关校方必须关注免费供应给学生饮用的牛奶新鲜度,以免重演学生喝牛奶中毒事件。

她希望,将在下个月起获得免费牛奶的全国万名学童,能在饮用牛奶后,身心可以更为健康。 她发表文告指出,这项免费牛奶计划耗资达400万令吉,受政府委讬生产有关牛奶的厂商,必须确保牛奶新鲜及拥有丰富营养。

她表示,除了厂商生产牛奶的过程必须受到关注外,牛奶运输至学校的过程也必须确保安全。 "运送过程中,必须确保牛奶保有新鲜度,不会酸坏,特别是不能让牛奶曝露在阳光底下。"

王钟璇指出,由于“一个马来西亚牛奶计划”是让一至六年级的小学生受惠,因此校方有必要更注意有关饮品的安全性。 她说,教育部曾基于曾数度发生牛奶中毒事件,而自2007年8月起暂停牛奶供应计划。因此,为免同样事件发生,让 “一个马来西亚牛奶计划” 顺利进行” ,牛奶生产厂商必须为所制作产品负全责。


18 September 2010

Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节Perayaan Pesta Tanglung

To all my Friends in Subang Jaya,Bandar Sunway and Seri Setia

To all Malaysians,

who celebrate Mid-autumn Festival

Happy 中秋节快乐

Selamat Perayaan Tanglung & Kueh Bulan

The Mid-autumn Festival
A Chinese tradition and culture
Coincide with Hari Raya Aidil Fitri & Hari Malaysia
A season of triple joy.

In the spirit of 1 Malaysia,
A happy blend of Hari Raya Aidil Fitri & Mid-autumn festival,
Gives us a shared sense of unity and harmony.

Reminding us,
That our forefathers arrived on this land,
Worked hard to make this place our home.








Anak Bulan terbitlah sudah

Aidil Fitri disambut meriah

Kueh Bulan enaknya juadah

Perayaan Tanglung berseri indah.

Menjunjung semangat 1 Malaysia

Berpadu Bermesra kita bersama

Jalinan agama & budaya mengeratkan kita

Kasih terjalin bak satu keluarga

Malaysia Cemerlang Malaysia Terbilang

Maju menempa sejarah sendiri

Cita-cita yang berhasrat keberhasilan

Masa depan kita dapat sambut lagi...

From: Ong Chong Swen

Penyelaras Parlimen Kelana Jaya
Ketua MCA Bahagian Kelana Jaya
Ketua Wanita MCA Bahagian Kelana Jaya
MCA KJ Committe Members

14 September 2010

Liaison officers serve as a bridge between the people and govt

Tuesday September 7, 2010
Liaison officers serve as a bridge between the people and govt

THE terms “state liaison officer” and “parliamentary liaison officer”, better known in Bahasa Malaysia as penyelaras DUN and penyelaras parlimen respectively, have been bandied around in recent times, but who exactly are these people and what do they do?

Seri Setia state liaison officer Datuk Yahaya Bujang likened their duties to the job functions of a wakil rakyat (elected representative).

Yahaya says that liaison officers, who are Barisan Nasional appointees, serve as a bridge between the people and Federal Government in Pakatan Rakyat-held states.

“These liaison officers, who are Barisan Nasional appointees, serve as a bridge between the people and Federal Government in Pakatan Rakyat-held states like Selangor, Kedah and Penang,” he said.

Their appointment comes from the Implementation Coordination Unit (ICU), under the Prime Minister’s Department, and is on a year-to-year basis.

On how the system was introduced, Kelana Jaya parliamentary liaison officer Ong Chong Swen said a few months after the March 2008 general election, the Federal Government realised there were some hiccups in getting things done, especially activities for the people.

“The idea of having liaison officers was proposed and the Barisan Nasional party components recommended the names of potential candidates,” she said.

“The appointments were confirmed in August 2009. In the meantime, we have been helping the Federal Government with mesra rakyat (people-oriented) activities since August 2008.

“Our main tasks are to help the various ministries disseminate information and help in carrying out their programmes and organise mesra rakyat activities,” said the Kelana Jaya MCA division chief.

“We also help with applications for programme funding by residents associations and NGOs, and meet every two months at the district office to sort out various matters.”

Common mesra rakyat activities are meetings with the police and community, festive celebrations, and gotong royong.

Mesra rakyat activities: Ong (right) discussing some matters with an assistant as they work out the details of an upcoming celebration called “Malam Raya Tanglung 1Malaysia” that is scheduled for Sept 18 near Sunway Lagoon Theme Park.

Yahaya has also sponsored a free tuition scheme for students in Seri Setia, while Ong said she had proposed to the ICU to tweak the eKasih programme to channel funds to maintain and repair flats for the urban poor.

Yahaya, who is also Kelana Jaya Umno division deputy chief, said: “We help to sponsor many programmes, immaterial of whether they are for social, community or religious purposes.

“A lot of our effort is focused on welfare aid and helping the poor. We also assist when it comes to dealing with federal-level agencies,” Yahaya said.

He believed that it was good to have one wakil rakyat each at the state and federal level.
Ong said oo elected representative had the right to claim a particular area as theirs.

“Those who did not get the people’s mandate can still work and serve the community.

“This system is one way of helping the people, as Barisan-elected representatives in Pakatan-held states are not given programmes or funds.”

While declining to reveal the exact amount, Ong said they were given a limited allocation by the ICU yearly, and had to be shared between her, Yahaya and Subang Jaya state liaison officer Lee You Hin. “We are given a sharing formula that is decided by the ICU, and the funds are allocated by the parliamentary seats,” said Yahaya.

Ong said the funds were allocated for mesra rakyat activities, festive celebrations and funding requests by NGOs.

“Yahaya, Lee and I are regularly in contact to discuss activities and allocations,” she said, stressing that the liaison officers have no authority when it comes to funds for infrastructure upgrade and construction, as that comes under the purview of the ruling state government.

The appointment of the present batch of liaison officers is from August 2009 to August 2010, although Yahaya said it had been extended until November until the next group of appointees take over.

“Whether the present batch of liaison officers are appointed to continue for a second term or be replaced with a new person depends on their performance,” he said.

Each officer has to submit individual quarterly reports to the Selangor Barisan headquarters for performance assessment.

“We have been informed that liaison officers will not necessarily be fielded for the next general election,” Yahaya said.

Pakatan Rakyat has an adoptive exco or exco angkat scheme in areas held by Barisan-elected representatives.

“The exco angkat concept basically assigns each Selangor state executive councillor the responsibility to oversee constituencies that are under the Opposition (BN),” said state Tourism, Consumerism and the Environment committee chairman Elizabeth Wong.

“They are responsible for making sure the state government programmes achieve their intended objectives, especially those under Merakyatkan Ekonomi Selangor, which are intended to help the poor people of all races.”

Some of these programmes include the Skim Mesra Usia Emas, Tabung Warisan Anak Selangor, an education fund for the children of estate workers, and a fund for all Selangor students entering university.

“There is a coordinator and a team at the local level to deal with daily work,” said Wong.

State New Village Development and Illegal Factories committee chairman Ean Yong Hian Wah said the job scope was similar to an assemblyman’s work, as they met the constituents and helped them with various state government affairs.

“We set up a service centre in each area that is run by a team, which is assisted by local councillors,” he said.

Wong oversees the Hulu Bernam, Sungai Burong and Permatang state seats, while Ean Yong handles Kuala Kubu Baru and Batang Kali.

While the adoptive exco system was set up after Pakatan took over the administration of the state, Ean Yong said there were plans to change the system next year to make it more streamlined and focused.

13 September 2010

Pesta Raya Tanglung 1 Malaysia

Dear Community Leaders & Residents of Subang Jaya, USJ, Bandar Sunway, Seri Setia, Desa Ria, Desa Mentari, Tmn Subang Indah, Tmn Dato Hormat & the surrounding neighbourhood:

September 2010 is a special month: 10th & 11th is Hari Raya, 16th is Malaysia Day, 22th is Mid-autumn Festival; 3 auspicious occasions in 1 month. Pejabat Penyelaras Parlimen Kelana Jaya & MCA Bahagian Kelana Jaya, took this special occasion to organize “PESTA RAYA TANGLUNG 1 MALAYSIA”.

On behalf of Pejabat Penyelaras Parlimen Kelana Jaya & MCA Kelana Jaya, we wish to invite YOU to the coming event

Date : 18 Sep 2010 (Saturday)
Venue : Sunway Pyramid Blue Atrium, Bandar Sunway
Time : 6.30pm ~ 10.00pm

Deputy Minister of Women, Family and Community Development YB Senator Heng Saei Kei will officiate the function

Our programmes of the night included Dragon Dance, Cultural Dance Performances, Line Dances, Hip-hop dances, Solo Singers, Silat Performance, Wu-Shu Performance, Acrobatics from China & Lantern Procession in the Pyramid Shopping Mall. 1500 Tang Lung will be given to the Public to participate in the procession.

From: Ong Chong Swen J.S.M., A.M.S.
Penyelaras Parliment Kelana Jaya
MCA Kelana Jaya Division Chairperson
For more informations, please contact Organising Chairman William Cha
012-2068000 or office: 03-80235598/016-3833085 (Chan)

12 September 2010

What is Love All About

I received an email this morning from a friend, after reading the mail, though knowing that this is not something new, would like to share with my friends who are still enjoying the Raya break & have some time to read & ponder.

"It was a busy morning, about 8:30, when an elderly gentleman in his 80's arrived to have stitches removed from his thumb. He said he was in a hurry as he had an appointment at 9:00 am.

I took his vital signs and had him take a seat, knowing it would be over an hour before someone would to able to see him. I saw him looking at his watch and decided, since I was not busy with another patient, I would evaluate his wound. On exam, it was well healed, so I talked to one of the doctors, got the needed supplies to remove his sutures and redress his wound.

While taking care of his wound, I asked him if he had another doctor's appointment this morning, as he was in such a hurry. The gentleman told me no, that he needed to go to the nursing home to eat breakfast with his wife. I inquired as to her health. He told me that she had been there for a while and that she was a victim of Alzheimer's Disease.

As we talked, I asked if she would be upset if he was a bit late. He replied that she no longer knew who he was, that she had not recognized him in five years now. I was surprised, and asked him, 'And you still go every morning, even though she doesn't know who you are?' He smiled as he patted my hand and said, ‘She doesn't know me, but I still know who she is.'

I had to hold back tears as he left, I had goose bumps on my arm, and thought, ‘That is the kind of love I want in my life.'

True love is neither physical, nor romantic. True love is an acceptance of all that is, has been, will be, and will not be.

The happiest people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the best of everything they have. 'Life isn't about how to survive the storm, But how to dance in the rain."


09 September 2010

Hari Raya Adilfitri

To all my Muslim Friends,
Maaf Zahir dan Batin

Kepada semua Muslim Penghuni di Subang Jaya,

Bandar Sunway dan Seri Setia

Selamat Hari Raya

Maaf Zahir dan Batin

To all Malaysians,

who celebrate religious and cultural festivals

with every one you know and you don't know,

irrespective of race, religion, political views

Happy Holiday
Have a Good time
Drive Carefully

From: Ong Chong Swen
Penyelaras Parlimen Kelana Jaya
Ketua MCA Bahagian Kelana Jaya
Ketua Wanita MCA Bahagian Kelana Jaya
MCA KJ Committe Members


07 September 2010


这两天,回教党精神领袖Nik Aziz Nik Mat的言论引来议论纷纷; 他说:"没包头的女生,就由她被强奸吧!"

我没有即刻回应,因为这位老人家过去常发表歧视女性的言论,忘了自己有母亲,妻子,女儿,媳妇,孙女。记忆犹新的是"女性上班不能涂脂抹粉,尤其是唇膏"; "还有漂亮女孩不必上班工作" 。。。。。。 所以认为,这次他就是语不惊人死不休,睬他才傻。

然而,今天下午有机会看Nik Aziz 的3分钟谈话短片。他以为他用幽默的语气,但却是歪理满篇的言论,不合逻辑的举例,还有加上片中听众的轻浮笑声; "没包头巾暴露自己,给人机会,被强奸活该; 打开头巾是廉价出卖自己,就让人强奸吧!要廉价卖自己,卖面孔卖小腿卖大腿,强奸啦,管他什么!"(哄堂大笑)。听完后,好难过好难过。

聂老,在非回教徒可否进入回教堂,你言之成理,你袒护有加; 但每逢女性课题,你可恶的老化思维,僵化可怕的言谈,把你一世清心寡欲的形象毁于一旦!在短短几分钟的短片,'强奸'讲了无数次; 还说性器会因眼睛看到而在裤子里活跃。精神领袖如此歧视女性贬低女权,不知回教党内的女党员可有感受!?还是她们都有包头巾,不会被强奸,没有感受?
根据聂老的大道理,包头巾的好处有: 1.减少强奸罪案 2.减低AIDS/HIV病症 3.减少不合法躯体接触 4.减少家庭破裂 。。。。。原来三千发丝有此摩力?聂老,你神化了头发 !!照此推理,剃光头就不会有以上的事情发生??那又何必费时费力包头巾? 全剃光头不就好了,就由你和你的民联执政的州属开始!!

Nik Aziz说Allah sebagai engineer buat manusia,既然男女都是伟大创造者的制作品,为什么却单方面要女性从头发包到脚跟?为什么女性得去承当男性不能自制的过错?难道我国女性都得像Taliban女性包成如此?

我国数名成功回教徒女性,如前首相夫人Tun Siti Hasmah,还有她的女儿Datin Paduka Marina Mahatir及好友Prof. Dr. Adeeba Kamarulzaman,学识能力有目共睹,致力慈善事业; 她们的装扮有错吗?她们的能力难道就因没包头巾而缺欠?
