29 April 2011

Happy Labour Day


在这一天,让我们向全世界的劳动界致敬; 同时共求世界和平,国家繁荣昌盛,


To all Malaysians and Residents in Subang Jaya, USJ, Bandar Sunway, Seri Setia and all areas in Kelana Jaya Parliment Constituency, who celebrate Labour Day:

Happy Labour Day !!

To others, enjoy your holidays, drive carefully & reach home safely

From: 王锺璇

Ong Chong Swen

Penyelaras Parlimen Kelana Jaya

Ketua MCA Bahagian Kelana Jaya

Ketua Wanita MCA Bahagian Kelana Jaya

and 率领

MCA KJ Committe Members



25 April 2011




她说,国民党向来获得达雅族支持,虽然党内也有不少华裔党员。林吉祥了解,如果行动党要掌控砂州政权,首先必须得到达雅族依班人的支持。虽知他这样的建议对民联,尤其是公正党无益且不公,因在砂州选举前公正党和国民党就曾因席位分配谈判不妥而'面左左'。林吉祥应是认为达致州首席部长之‘梦’比在布城当副首相之‘梦’来得比较‘有机会’; 这就是他要行动党跟国民党合并的主因。


王钟璇说,安华之前曾影射砂国民党被国阵收买,现也已表态不认同行动党与国民党合并。行动党这次不顾阵线组合的'私自建议',说明民联在砂州选后,已进一步陷入‘各自为谋’的分裂状态; 也显示民联三党随时会因为政治利益随意结合,也可以在各自利益为重时,随时出卖对方。

“民联三党没有共同政治理念,祇有短视的政治利益; 所以当国民党反问林吉祥的建议是否诚心诚意时,后不置可否,大家应心里有数。”



王锺璇说,民联三党一直强调为民,然而所喊的口号却因选民地区而异。行动党在华人选区,就煽动及制造不满情绪,高喊捍卫华人权益; 而公正党在其他选区却喊为全民争取利益,回教党则‘陪跑’。一方强调为某一族群,另一方却又为全民,两者何曾不'冲突'?再一方却因回教在基督教为多之地无用武之处,暂销声匿迹。如此一番,仔细一想,民联为各族又何曾作出具体贡献?

22 April 2011

Another email

As I mentioned in my previous posting, that there are equally many sensible warm hearted well mannered persons, I would like to post this email which I received after I sent out the letters to members of MCA Kelana Jaya.

Dear Ong Chong Swen,

My name is xxxxxxxx, I stay at USJ x, HP 016976xxxxx.

Let me share with you something.

In 2005, I register as a mca youth at Lee Xxx Xxxx office in kelana jaya. In the application form, I stated that i wanted to be active in mca youth. Nobody call me or follow up until today and first time i received your letter. Perhaps the previous xxxx or his asst is busy or overlook.The xxxx even came to my church at USJ x Hxxxxxxx Pxxxxx Xxxxxxxx at that time.

I am very suprised,disappointed or angry when i received your letter today.

By the way i also have a OKU son who is now 15 yrs. At that time i even ask his PA to get his signature of support for my 2nd son to enrol in wawasan chinese school, that doesnt work, they send him to sungai way chinese school. We decided to forget it. He end up at Sekolah Kebangsaan USJx. Today he is already in form 1 at Sekolah Menengah USJx.

I did realised you did a good job. Anyway, thank you if you are reading my msgs.

Thank You and God Bless You,


Xxxxxxx, Xxx, Xxxxxx, Xxxx & Xxxx Teoh.

I replied:

Dear Sxxxxxx,

I am so glad to receive your message. I wish I can reach all the members earlier, but I only receive the complete list of members' address end of last year.

I was tied up during year end festival & new year, meeting residents & attending functions. I managed, with the help of committe members recently, to send out letters to members in batches.

Please drop in my office on xxth evening, it is my service night; or any other tuesday evening when you are free to drop in to say 'hi'.


Ong Chong Swen

I realised that there are many members out there waiting for some forms of communication; I will not stop here but find all ways & means to reach the members & non-members too. While I am finding the ways to reach you, all of you who happened to read this posting, appreciate that you contact me.

20 April 2011

Reply to an email

Today I received 1 email from Aktif Sentul:

"one of your flier drop into my postbox.

if you people have brains, read the article(attached below) at least 3 times, and get meaning. You may then understand why so many that you claimed to represent wanted so much to pour shit on you."

After reading the mail & the attached article which 'fired' MCA in general, I replied:

Mr. Aktif Sentul,

Received your mail.

I sent the letter to say ‘hi’ as I wish to keep in touch & heard the voices of the people. I was elected to lead MCA Kelana Jaya in last party election, I should have sent the letter earlier but I only received the complete list of addresses end of last year. With the help of volunteers from the division, I managed to send out letter in batches after Chinese New Year, one is sent to you.

I understand your frustration, I was a student leader in campus, I remained anti-establishment & was a couch politician for many years. But, after some years, I know sitting on couch commenting without participation remained commenting. I believe ‘change’ can happen when there are ‘pressure’ from outside & ‘cooperation’ from within.

I’m not asking for your support, but do give benefit of doubt, there are some leaders here giving their best to help. Do go to my blog, face book & website; I only want you to know that being a different voice in Barisan is not an easy task, it is tougher than shouting from the other side.

A word of encouragement, will help us to walk further, even though knowing it is such a rough & uneven path.


Ong Chong Swen
Division Chairman, MCA Kelana Jaya
Penyelaras Parlimen Kelana Jaya

Mind beyond Repair

I now realised that the blockage in some people's mind is beyond any human help.

I was trying to be polite to reply his mail, even knowing that it may be a waste of time, yet Aktif Sentul's behaviour is beyond reasoning. Is this the culture of today man? Is this furious attitude cultivated by the trend?

Why is Aktif Sentul think that by reply his mail is 'brave' ? May be he is always lonely, may be he seldom received response, may be he always chiselled off others !!

I decided not to answer him any more as he reserved no reply; but for the benefit of others to read, I posted his email in face book & now in my blog. I know, while there are many who act like hooligan, equally there are many sensible well manner persons around. Read & judge for yourself, 1 who act like dirt will be treat as dirt.

"huh, brave enought to reply.

1) people of that "gang" betrayed us. you are not the first one and will not be the last either, more oppourtunists are waiting .

Q;, what make do you think you can be different? even now you are singing the same old tune. (dont you relealized people are not listening ).more than 50 years and more than 3 generations have been cheated and lied. Please, stop looking to easy street and get a honest living. By then your parents will be proud of you.

I challenge you to ask your parents/ grants/relatives. Look into their eyes, close your ears and the answer is clearly front.you may seen tears .( pls report )

2) you ask us to visit your web.

through the long road travelled, a preacher mentioned the same and added that there are many more who can enlighten .

Answer : not only thousands ,even ban ban sing the same tune, Bring in the gods.
Who are you among the crooks in that sty.

3) they say offence is better . you dared not answer/ address the author( of article ) but try to offer shit.

4) naive if you continue BUT can be usefull when time comes. ARe you prepared to make "like noises" in your U days and just before the election, bring your group to the opposition. Sound familiar. you may get a seat beside the Buddha.

Why a honest job needed.

you maybe idealist at U but now got sai -so ( got the meaning). Influenced is mild. The worst happened when the head swell when a post comes along. The "gap" then open wider, and alas it need money; but where is the money-- corruption or extortion is the easy street.

Now your hind legs are in peoples hand. TRUE ?

by the way, you cannot find my name in any politicle parties. want to challenge?

If you think this is the only opinion, pls ignore. sorry for the offence."

So, with people like Aktif Sentul around, who know only how to comment, oppose & ridicule, contribute nothing to help the situation, will situation improve? Refuse to discuss issues with basic respect & manner, work out the differences to achieve common goals (异中求同), where can we head to?!

13 April 2011



她指出,吉隆坡反贪污委员会的两名官员已因在这案中,被怀疑疏於看守证人或有关人士,而被停职调查。这显示反贪委会在此事件上,已即刻采取适当行动; 不过,接下来必须确保的是,一旦证实反贪委会官员失职,就应立即革除有关职位,以儆效尤。

她说,自从阿布卡欣接任反贪委会主席职位,大马的肃贪工作比以往有显著进展。在去年有48%的受访大马人认为政府反贪奏效,在2009年则只有28%; 这说明政府反贪的努力有得到人民的认同,也肯定政府肃贪的诚意。

“以阿布卡欣为首的反贪委会,当务之急是必须确保反贪局官员的素质,符合国际反贪机构的肃贪水平。严格培训官员,确保反贪努力不会因官员水准低落而受影响; 例如过去曾有反贪委会官员在作证时,说所采用的询问证人或拷问嫌犯方式是观赏电视剧中取得。”


我国离成功肃贪之路虽还远,但只要政府及人民互相配合,就能把大马打造成一个清廉的国度。王钟璇强调,贪污腐败是造成国家进步的主因,所以每一名反贪官员所扮演的角色及所应该承担的责任,都比一般的政府官员来得更重要。而人民在反贪立场更要坚定,不接受任何人士不合情理的 ‘以钱搞点’ 的要求; 双管齐下,肃贪奏效。

她指出,各政府机构,必须制定关键绩效指标; 凡是无法达到指标的公务员轻者则应受警告,严重者则应调职降职,甚至开除。过去由英殖民时代留下不合时宜的保护公务员法规,应在此时修正; 免得公务员因有“ 护身符”而不需积极配合中央政府的绩效指标(KPI) ,造成中央政府迈前的绊脚石 。

近年来,我们必须肯定的是部分政府机构及公务员的工作效率大有进步,不过还有改善的空间。各政府机构必须采取有效的监督对策,才能确保政府传递系统及公务员工作效率提高; 我国政府朝向先进国的目标就指日可待。

08 April 2011


(吉隆坡9日讯)马华雪州副秘书兼格拉那再也区会主席王钟璇认为,反贪委会当今除了大举调查关税局官员外,也必须深入调查频面对受贿及贪污指控的政府部门,比如移民局,陆路交通局,警察部队等执法单位 ,以全面铲除政府部门及机构的贪污问题。




"反贪这条路虽说在大马是相当艰难,但是我们必须要继续走下去; 唯有通过专业及法律手法将贪官绳之于法,才能保障国家及人民的未来。” 她发表文告指出,许多罪案的产生都跟操控私走物品非法集团都有密切关系; 危害无数性命及家庭的毒品,走私烟酒等,都是制造社会罪案的根源。


王钟璇说不少亚洲国家的贪污情况仍然严重,如菲律宾,柬埔寨,印尼等国; 反观新加坡丶日本和香港相对较为廉洁,而这几个廉洁的国家都比贪污严重的国家,更为进步,更为繁荣昌盛。

根据调查,我国在2010年和2009年的反贪污指数有进步; 在2010年有48%受访的大马人,认为政府反贪奏效,而2009年则只有28%。政府反贪行动的努力虽有进步,但必须再加以强化及执行彻底。

“贪污及社会罪案是人民最关注的其中两大课题,政府积极解决人民的问题,就能赢得人民掌声; 希望各界合力打击贪污罪案,塑造美好的未来。”

她说,除了重组警察部队,关税局,强化反贪委会角色外,通过吹哨者法令也有不少高官显要被控贪污; 如森州巫统州议员在贪污案被定罪,证明政府有听取民意及正在努力改善。



04 April 2011



王锺璇,也是马华格拉那再也区会主席兼国会协调官,对于教育部副部长拿督魏家祥马上调查此事,并保证一旦证实属实,将采取对付行动也表示欢迎; 并且认为有关学生除了向教育局投诉外,也向警方报案是正确的做法。一旦证明该校训导教师有向学生施展暴力,该名教师必须受到法律制裁。

她强调,令人关注及担忧的是该印裔教师也被指发表了"回中国论",教育部必须对此展开深入调查。身为师表者,由自认为 ‘土地主人’的巫裔女校长至也被列为 ‘外来者’ 的印裔训导教师,竟然情绪失控,-再发表不符教育工作者身份的言论。

王锺璇指出,去年8月柔佛古来东姑阿都拉曼太子国中女校长茜蒂英莎发表 “要华裔学生回中国和宽柔独中,又形容印裔学生戴在手上的宗教绳像狗链”的言论,引起轩然大波。然而,有关部门分别以获得有关解释信与道歉,以及教育部无权对付为由,没有向两人采取严厉对付行动。如果政府继续放纵及没有采取严厉行动,这论调肯定会像细菌般扩散,间接"允许"伤害族群感受的嚣张言论发酵。


首相纳吉自上任后,积极推行利惠各族人民政策; 显示中央政府除了保障马来族群权益外,也以平衡制度照顾各族。无奈在努力执行期间,出现一小撮违反首相理念的种族主义官员及人民。

她强调,马来西亚的未来需要开明包容及理性的民族,共同为这个国家作出贡献; 所有种族主义分子都必须被唾弃,每个人民都有责任诚心诚意全面执行"一个马来西亚"理念!在这理念下,任何族群的利益及感受,都必须获得保障及照顾。

03 April 2011


1位朋友寄这封电邮给我,当然不会是大陸國家地震局发出的'嚴正公告'; 然而文中所举事件及揶揄措辞,还是引人会心一笑。在此,与你共乐:





(一)、初一在家睡,十五在帳篷睡,因為躲得過初一躲不過十五! (二)、可以出家當和尚,但不能睡在廟裏,因為跑得了和尚跑不了廟! (三)、買房子要麼選一樓,要麼選頂樓; 一樓逃的快,頂樓被挖出來快!


六、有人咋呼說擔心核輻射,嚷嚷著要吃碘,我看沒必要; 先吃蘿蔔淡操心,敵敵畏蘇丹紅三聚氰胺,你身體裏哪一樣沒有?把你劈碎了攤地上就是一張元素週期表,還吃什麼碘?





01 April 2011

Why the Ban?

I can not understand, when there are many issues in the country & in the state, that need to look into; why pick on an issue that is not an issue at all?

Perak Fatwa Committee (http://islam.about.com/od/law/g/fatwa.htm) can help the non-muslim rakyat in the country & the state, to better understand the good religion values & teachings of Islam, help the muslims to understand other's cultures & values, motivate the rakyat to live in harmony .................. instead of stopping the followers to do this & that.

Some friends said to me, why you bother, does it affect you? My answer is: No, the ban does not affect me, anyway I do not know how to dance poco-poco; furthermore, I am not a Muslim, the ban does not affect me.

But, as a rakyat & community leader, I have to voice out my views as many of my ladies friends are poco-poco fans. It has been a hit among the people especially the ladies, it brings fun & joy when the group are performing; it also bring a group of strangers closer by participating.

Oh My God, my friends who are poco-poco fans, are as ardent to the beliefs. None after dancing poco-poco, trust GOD less; or take the dance as an offering, or even realise what it was claimed to contain Christian element; but more a social activity & excercise. The deputy minister in PM Department Dr.Mashita, has came out to make some clarification. (http://www.laksou.com/?m=nation_more&id=7789)

If we take in the reason of banning because of Christian value, I have to emphasize here that neither am I a Christian, then the Qi Gong & Tai Chi that have been practiced by all races in the country, can be branded as contained Buddhist elements since some started from monastery? The line dance that has been a hit for past 10 years ................... can find a reason to stop ?

Aren't we have more important matters to look into? Why can't we focus & help our PM to make this a better place for every one? Why are we stopping the rakyat from mingling freely through some common activities? Isn't this is what we are looking forward to achieve in 1 Malaysia spirit? Why some community leaders have to make matters tough for PM to achieve his goals & dreams ?

We have been commenting how PAS as a ruling party, enforcing rules in Kelantan & Kedah, ignoring the effects that casted on the people. Though Fatwa council is an independent body, but it has always appeared to the public that it is still very much attached to government policy.

Now, may we ask, is PAS & Fatwa tried to compete with each other, who is more islamic than the other? Is it through the banning & implementation of inconsiderate acts, will bring in more support? Will the people be more religious & practice more good values through the act of banning? Read the following comments from various leaders:

There are few ways to encourage people to follow the teachings: 1. Motivate them to be good 2. Instil fear into the mind 3. Using force to enforce . So, which method is being used now? Where are we heading?