28 July 2010


昨天下午看到行动党的市议员盗用同党行政议员的信笺头与印章支持工程一事报道,没有半点'你们也有如此作为'的拍掌讥庆心态。只是在想: 天啊!怎么会如此?过去人民认为所委托的国阵代议士失责,所以才会毅然给民联人士替代; 而今2年半,失责事件屡见不鲜。别用宽恕的心态说款项不大,与国阵相比小巫见大巫; 款额大不大是次要,动机手法和执政前所宣扬的理念才是整个事件的关键。也别说执政不久应宽容,首先除了人民公正党党史较浅只有11年,民主行动党党史已步入中年; 民主行动党对国阵尤是马华,抨击从不手软,设立高标准。民主行动党一向待人厉,不是待人宽待己厉,现时只有待己更厉才言行一致,才能'一级捧'。 不然,自身已处玻璃屋,小心向他人丢石头时丢破自家玻璃屋。

曾当这位自从中选后负面新闻不断行政议员的特别助理,'风云人物'行政议员也曾在地方上的168宗拨款167宗拨去特别助理户口,特别助理当上市议员前后都在'风云人物'行政议员州选区执行州议员的职务。这种种职权,然而盗签盗用后果不堪,身为党要难道会不知?还是当时'风云人物'首次上任就官运亨通当行政议员,不知所为?或是当时极需这位特别助理在选区的协助,权力下放?或是近期关系转淡,'风云人物'说曾极力反对当事者继任市议员,州务大臣说内部调查却消息外泄 ..........

2位民联行政议员挺身'义气'辩护,公正党的黄洁冰向星洲日报表示"这是她首次听到有关消息,但形容有关报道过于夸张","一些人以为只要有雪州行政议员的信笺与印章,就会很容易得到合约 。。。。。"。如果同样事件发生在国阵或马华的市议员或行政议员,请问你YB黄洁冰会如此轻描淡写没有指责的意味,转移视线的描绘吗?

行动党的郭素沁更是转移视线的高高手,雪州挖沙事件闹哄哄一段日子,没听她说什么。这回自己党内出事,不表示立场不谴责,即刻向'当今大马'说"虽然偷砂事件在现阶段无法根除,不过已没有如前朝国阵政府期间般猖獗"; 接着又说"如果马华只会挖掘他人错误而抓狂,在没有调查及研究的情况下,继续发表没有根据的言论和指责,国人及华社将与马华渐行渐远。"。不谈hot topic'行动党的市议员盗用同党行政议员的信笺头与印章支持工程一事',不向抨击偷沙最勤力的巫统开枪,转向马华呛声,这是转移视线转移目标的最佳例子,可做为'研究'论文的资料。至於其他行动党国州市议员,一向以廉洁奉公形象出现,国阵只要有'风吹'事件,就争做'护法英雄英雌',这回选择无声应对,又是'责人励待己宽',要人民无条件接受'所为'。

看官们,新的政权就是一棵幼苗一根小树,在成长的过程中,要定时灌溉施肥也要定时剪枝抓虫。而不是我家种的就可让它横枝直入你家,你家种的别让落叶掉到我院子; 或是接受我家的树干歪倾当艺术,你家的树干倾歪当碍眼。

朋友们,要我国政治能在未来日子健全成长,国阵民联都不必偏袒。没有全对没有全错,黑白分明在人心,一目清楚了然。事件发生时,要秉公处理,让人心服口服。不要'黑白说'掩人耳目狡辩,怪媒体怪政敌; 错要勇敢认错,不下为例; 更不要惜玉不怜香,宁可负一方也要当'好人'; 对于对的一方要加以赞赏,让他们努力再加把劲。

22 July 2010


一些巫统中央领袖及基层领袖,一直在倒首相的米,倒国阵的米; 伤害友党伤害国人的言论持续不断,就如丛火,此起彼落。

从最近巫统副主席阿末扎希指马华及民政党是国阵的乘客论,到过去首相纳吉的特别助理纳西发表种族性言论,农基部长诺奥玛在雪州国阵大会上马来人为了与其他非巫裔友族分享政权而必须牺牲权力的言论,巫青团执委慕克里发表不同源流学校的存在导致种族之间不和谐和两极化言论,巫统升旗山区部前任主席阿末依斯迈的“寄居论”,.............. 乐此不疲 .............. 没完没了。讲的不累,听的已累得不想出声,不想回应。

去年在我的一篇贴文,雪山锺某写了一则这样的留言:'我们不是巫统的消防员,我们是政治工作者,不是政治过滤器。我们的精力是用来从事政治工作,为国家的未来而献身,而不是为巫统补锅,为巫统善后做解释。前门努力灭火,后门又再放火,我们不是巫统的消防员,我们没有必要去替他们灭火或是过滤。' 然而,不灭火就烧到自己烧到族群; 不补锅不善后就会让自己无所适从,无法面对自己无法面对他人。

首相,你华发满头,没掀起党内领袖的感慨; 你的努力你的奔走全国,似乎在你的队伍中没取得回应; 你的理念你的言论,似乎在你的同僚中没取得呼应。你要治国,他们想护利; 你想全民,他们要票源; 你要全面,他们看自己......... 有此伙伴同僚,笑也!?哭也!?呜呼哀哉,最惨莫过于独居高处无知音。既是如此,不如就以末代皇帝心态,施新政用新人,顾民心民意,撬开党的束缚,勇往直前不回顾,放手为国家为国阵拼一拼,这或能为自己为阵线为国家带来一个全新局面。你的所为,将在国史中烙下无可比拟的印!

去年7月,我贴了这篇'首相肺腑之言': http://chongswen.blogspot.com/2009/07/blog-post_15.html
We remember what you say, we are with you, you are not alone, Keep Going !!
A politician thinks of next election, a stateman thinks of next generation. 壮哉!


15 July 2010


I was invited to participate in a brainstorming session, sometime in July last year.

While preparing for the session, I asked myself 'What do I want?' as a citizen of this country; and at the same time tried to think like a person on the street, visualised and imagined the " Land of Shangarila" in everyone's mind.

However, at the end the session never took off, my 'thoughts' was 'sleeping' in the drawer since then. Recently, I came across the note I wrote a year ago, decided to post it in "My Views".

Physical Aspect
1. Efficient public transportation, i.e. buses, monorail, LRT, BRT, bullet train etc. Then, having a car will be an option and not a necessity.

2. Efficient housing schemes and programmes, cut down red tape to make houses cheaper and affordable.

3. Introduces a programme to “green” its cities and towns, like the parks & recycle programmes in US; and support “fair price shops” to sell affordable basic foods to poor people, especially urban poor.

4. Affordable health care and quality public hospitals, synchronize programmes of various ministries to create “Healthy Cities” and “Healthy Communities”.

5.Lower costs of living ie. lower monthly car and house instalments, & daily expenses.

6. Introduces Minimum Wage to reduce unemployment, attract locals to take up manual jobs and less dependent on foreign labour.

7. If privatisation can not cut overhead expenses, provided better rate & tariff; then nationalizes road-toll, water, power and sanitation companies.

8. Introduces quality public education, not only paper-chase but character and career building. An apprentice system for the low academic performers, put their talents in the right place so they do not go to the street. Those who continue to tertiary education will study courses they so desire, adequately prepares them to contribute to the nation and compete globally.

Emotional Aspect
1. Safe environment: No fear of being robbed or houses being broken into & able to walk on the streets freely, without have to worry about snatched handbag .

2. Helps for the poor of all ethnic groups.

3. All Malaysians only known as Malaysians and not be identified by race.

4. Press trustworthy: able to trust what one read in the newspapers daily & e-news, no cover-up no exaggeration.

5. People have confidence in the democratic system and all other agencies.

These are the thoughts, I believe, with persistent and believe, we will achieve !!


11 July 2010


打开 “当今大马” ,看到这则新闻, “市议员空缺抢破头是前朝遗病,刘永山挑战马华争取地方选举” ;详读之下,不禁啼笑皆非。过去当反对党,行动党领袖专长批这评那,不须要提供解决方案。现当了执政党,依然故我,竟然新瓶装旧酒,明明是党内抢位出问题,却说出以上的话。


本以为只以为 “老” 领袖才有此弊病,没想 “新” 任议员 “青出于蓝而胜于蓝”。我们不避忌承认过去国阵执政有不足之处,如今阵线友党尤是马华对各项需修正措施,更不曾吝啬抨击。然而,今时只因 “雪州新县市议员名单陷入一片混乱,引发马华的大力抨”, “作为执政的雪州民联的一员,民主行动党榜东姑区州议员刘永山竟反击道,“与其批评民联,马华倒不如争取地方选举?” 好笑,自己对地方政府选举束手无策时,就要指示他人去争取。承诺的可是贵党呀!

在12届全国大选时,行动党大喊 ‘地方政府第三票还于民’; 2年4个月了,不谈雪州,就是民主行动党执政的槟城也没进行地方政府选举。现却评马华 “不应在民联政府遴选县市议员上大做文章。” 不过,在他的文告里却又承认 “民联在委任县市议员方面出现僧多粥少的情况” ,然后再评 “遴选制度是前朝政府遗留下来的政治负担。”

民联的政策就是要进行选举制度,让人民做决定,而不是让政治人物做决定。” “强调,既然国阵不肯修改法令,民联唯有延续过去国阵的方式。” 850多天,就说是面对地方政府法令条文的限制,难道没听过 “上有政策,下有对策”!?既然能想出设立 ‘地方政府顾问团’来容纳更多人,暂时解决民联各党僧多粥少争当市议员的情况; 为何不能动脑筋想方法实现第三票还于民的承诺?没能解决大选时随口乱呷的承诺,却怪 ‘马华并没有兴趣恢复地方议会选’。承诺的是你的民主行动党,出事时就来‘老字号’手段,评“马华捞取廉价政治资本”。刘永山,你好像是姓‘刘’,不是姓‘赖’ 吧!?

刘永山接着说“马华应该知道,地方议员空缺僧多粥少的情况并不是民联执政雪州后才有的现象。” 没错,有官职就有人要; 然而,‘前朝政府’可没需要设‘顾问团’,更不曾需要一而再三展延宣布名单,甚至展延宣誓仪式!!更不需要装大方开明,欢迎非政府组织参于地方政府,却让活跃党员戴‘非政府组织’帽子寻求空额。这种耍猴手法,还能再耍多久?执政前,表明为民; 执政后,抢着当官!扮清高令人失望,明眼的人民不会再吃‘耍贫嘴’这套。好自为之吧!

07 July 2010

The Beauty of Chinese Words 只有'漢'字才能做得到!

I received this mail, the beauty of Chinese writing is well expressed by using the Chinese characters in the following drawings.

A flying Eagle(Tercel), using 4 Chinese words i.e Male''on left wing,eagle''on right wing, flying''are the claws and tail.

An old man, using 4 Chinese words i.e. longevity''is the forehead & scalp, hundred years ''is the chin & neck.

Lion, Male''is the head; lion'' is the body.

The beautiful girl, beautiful'美丽'is the hair on scalp,'' is the face, girl'姑娘' is the hair on shoulder.

Naughty little Boy, naughty''is the hair, little ''is the eyes and nose, boy ''is the neck and shoulder.

Bear, bear''is the whole bear.

Tang monk ( a character in story), Tang '' is the hat and face while monk ''is the body.

Crab, crab'' is the crab.

The Monkey King,''is the head, '' the body, '空' the legs.

The beautiful home town,'美丽的家乡'make up the whole picture.



05 July 2010

My Shoes

I received this beautiful picture message "My Shoes" few days ago, after reading, I would like to share with you. The message is clear, it helps one to proceed in life.

My Shoes

Thank God for my shoes - they fit !

I woked up one day and I realised that there are many things
about my life I was not satisfied with or better still, there
were challenges that were threatening my soul.

And I said to myself, "Why should anyone envy me and want
to be in my shoes." They don't know how far I've come, they
don't know what lies ahead of me, and neither do they know
how dissatisfied I get with myself from time to time.

People don't know the troubles that you've had or the price
you had to pay to get to where you are. All they want to know
is that they wish they were like you.

Why should you wish you were in anybody's shoes when you
hardly know how they fit?

When you've worn your shoes for a while, they take the shape
of your feet and align to the way you walk. If you were to
wear my shoes; you will not be comfortable in them.

So I stopped wishing that I am in someone else shoes because
it might not fit; rather I thank God for my shoes, because
they fit !

I have learnt to be the best in what I do, and I know no-one
can replace me anywhere and in any sphere.

I am an original, my God is not in the cloning business. He
makes originals !

Make the best of what you do; besides you have this
beautiful life to live ONLY ONCE.

Live it to the fullest.

04 July 2010

I love Hibiscus 我爱国花

I love Hibiscus - our National Flower. You are everywhere, be it in the gardens or homes; even you may just bloom for a day, you have given your best. I love Hibiscus, for your simplicity & strength; to bloom in the morning & fade in the evening; to greet everyone in the day & retire in the evening, task fullfilled.
我爱国花,虽只有一天的灿烂,您还是勇敢的为这短暂的一天,给以最好的您。是的,花开花谢,持续不断遍地开; 不高贵入高堂,却平庸在家家户户庭院内外。

2009年1月2日,在'忠言闲话'贴上这篇'大红花',在此重贴与你分享 : http://chongswen.blogspot.com/2009/01/blog-post.html

