26 February 2010




"岳飛與屈原, 不管有沒有能力,都無法達成目標,因為自己想做的事情不符合老闆的利益。

我的朋友認為我對公司(組织)滿腔忠肝義膽,但最终卻被邊緣化,黯然離開。老實說,我已經想不起当時心裡是否有氣有怨恨。但是,我常常在想,企業(组织)裡面有很多人都認為自己一片赤誠,但是卻沒有得到相對應的回報; 擔心憂慮之下,最後創造自己成為悲劇英雄,黯然離開公司(组织)。


我學長公司的一位同仁是一個典型的「岳飛」。他能帶兵打仗,也非常認真,身先士卒,而且紀律儼然,訓練出來的手下不但表現好、態度佳; 而且一個人都能當兩三個人用, 自己的表現也是非常好。那為什麼我會說他是岳飛呢?歷史上,岳飛很努力北伐,但最後卻落得十二道金牌賜死的下場,而滿朝文武百官竟沒有人為他說半句好話。我想,這是因為

這個「岳飛型」的幹部也是這樣子,什麼都好,就是無法跨部門以及與上級溝通。雖然他有尝试去做,但方法不對,把大家都惹怒了。他一個人努力完成上級交辦的任務,用他自己的方法與資源,甚至自掏腰包獎賞手下員工,把所有事情做好,讓上級放心。可是自己心裡面卻很苦,因為他的理想就是希望公司能找到強的人進來跟他一齊打拼,沒想到找來的人在他看來普普通通,每次他反映事情,上級也都馬馬虎虎,感覺上不是很認真。所以,他每打一場仗,心裡就受傷一分。他想自己做個「驚世媳婦」,咬牙忍耐把事情做好; 等到內心痛苦到忍無可忍的時候,只能走人。然後,抱怨上級不懂善待人才。本來是能打仗的岳飛,只因為沒辦法溝通,最後卻變成沒辦法打; 同样的,也沒辦法跟別人溝通的屈原,不但什麼事情都做不了,到後來還把自己消耗殆盡,損失慘重。

兩點之間最近的距離是直線,却又「絕對不是」直線。我們都以為溝通是可以直來直往的,但是後來卻發現這是一廂情願的想法; 就算每個人都很客觀理性,但是我們不知道的是,當我們溝通的當下或者之前,對方是否有沒有發生過什麼意外事件。例如:女朋友打電話來吵架,或者家裡出了什麼事情等問題。所以,直來直往,可能就會在對方沒準備好的時候,傷害到別人。







25 February 2010



详细一读,只能为中国未来的国民感到忧心。中国70年代的文化大革命及1子政策, 已在中国的人口结构和思维产生了很大的变化。

1995年,首次因公干踏上中国广州白云机场,满以为自己会为因有机会嗅到想象中的乡土味和踩上祖先的故乡而激动。然而,也就只有降机那一刻;接下来的数日行程和 接触人士,让我感觉我不过是一个过游人,我的家是在马来西亚。

当时,有机会探访一位退休大法官家。家里2老有3个子女; 除了女儿住在夫家,大儿子大媳妇小男孙,小儿子都同住在4房2厅的组楼,但只有1洗手间。在广州闹市有如此的空间和环境是很不错,2老热诚邀请小住客房2天。这2天的切身体验与离开安排行程的体会,至今尚未能忘。别的往后谈,就谈那有3或4岁的小男孩(现应近20岁的青年)。5大人捧着1小孩,对爷爷奶奶指名道姓,对爸妈则淡定指挥,对小叔叔与做客的我,欢喜时就甜口叫,要不就粗口两句加吐口水。震惊之馀,无法想象此景发生在我家。

现在,中国西安1名10岁男孩做家务,倒垃圾20元,洗碗60元,诜1件衣80元,拖地板200元。。。。,竞获得奶奶发5千600元人民币"工资"。妈妈不认同奶奶做法,但奶奶却说" 这么做可以培养孩子通过劳动报酬的生活态度,还可以培养节约,管理钱财的能力,有利于孩子将来在社会上生存。"


再看这10岁小孩对这笔"横财"如何看,他说: "过年挣5千多元不算什么,班里同学期末考试考得好还有'学习'工资。"
口气竟那么大,5千多元是一个月的工资,偏远地区一年收入都没这么多。读书是为求知,是为自己的未来努力,应从读书中取得乐趣。现还得付'学习'工资, 难怪现今有些学童,能以读不读书,做不做功课来威胁父母!看着这些孩童的表示和思想,让我心惊肉跳!



23 February 2010

CNY Open House Invitation 新春团拜邀请柬

MCA Kelana Jaya CNY Open House Invitation

Dear Residents, Community Leaders, NGOs & Friends,

MCA Kelana Jaya Committee members have the pleasure to invite YOU to join us on

MCA Kelana Jaya CNY Open House

Date: 28-02-2010
Time: 11.00 - 3.00pm
Venue:39-2, Jalan USJ1/1A, Regalia Business Centre, 47620 Subang Jaya.(In front of Division Office)

We look forward to your presence.

Happy Chinese New Year !

Pengerusi Bahagian: Pn.ONG CHONG SWEN013-3362899
Setiausaha Bahagian:Sdr GAN MENG FOO 012-3771499
Pengerusi Penganjur:Sdr TAY KOK LEE 016-2092973





日期: 28-02-2010
地点: 39-2, Jalan USJ1/1A, Regalia Business Centre, 47620 Subang Jaya.(区会会所前)


迎春接福 万事如意

区会主席 :王钟璇 013-3362899
区会秘书 :颜明富 012-3771499
筹委会主席 :郑国理 016-2092973


13 February 2010

New Year Greeting 新年贺词

在大家忙着回家的路程,忙着准备团圆饭材料的当儿; 让我在此重向所有的朋友贺年,谢谢你们一路来给与的支持与鼓励。

I have posted this message to greet all friends and Malaysian a Great Chinese New Year on 10-02-10, as I plan to stop posting for the new year break. However, as I have posted the recent not so "Merry & Cheerful" pulling down Greeting Banners event after the new year message, I have to resend this Chinese New Year Greeting.


Haaaaapppppppyyyyyy Chinese New Year !!



庚寅年进步 万事皆如意

To all Malaysians and Residents in Subang Jaya, USJ, Bandar Sunway, Seri Setia and all areas in Kelana Jaya Parliment Constituency, who celebrate Chinese New Year :

Happy Chinese New Year

Selamat Tahun Baru Cina

To others, enjoy your holidays, drive carefully & reach home safely

From: 王锺璇

Ong Chong Swen


Penyelaras Parlimen Kelana Jaya

Ketua MCA Bahagian Kelana Jaya


Ketua Wanita MCA Bahagian Kelana Jaya


and 率领
MCA KJ Committe Members



Patience Has It's Limits (2)

I would like to ask the following questions:

(1) Greeting banners have been a way of greeting by organisations, individual & politicians in all parts of Malaysia. It is the most direct and economical means of sending personal greetings to many. Why is the present Pakatan State Government, making it difficult with various restrictions? One of the Ahli Majlis said that the opposition were not allow to put up greeting banners when Barisan governed, this gentleman is either very new in politics or never bothered to do his home work, kindly get the facts right by checking with your seniors who are many term MP or Adun in Seputeh, Bukit Bintang or Sungai Pinang etc. They have put up their Festive Greeting Banners every year !

( 2) PR representatives have on many occasions, commented that the Police force are not efficiency in carrying out their duties. If everyone followed their example of making police reports over minor matters eg. Loss of banners, taking up the police’s time, how would we expect them to perform?

(3) When MPSJ staff have so many daily matters to handle, isn’t the councillor wasting public funds & abuse of power by demanding that enforcement officers go out on Monday morning, to confiscate our CNY greeting banners, the permit of which were being applied for that very day? There are hundreds of illegal & “ Ah Long" banners in town for a long time , yet this councillor chose to ignore them, where is the initiative to take these down?
(4) CNY greeting banners carried no political slogans or messages, why are PR representatives so worry? If putting up banners can turn the State around, would I not have done it earlier?

(5) MPSJ have so many issues to take up, yet the councillors spend precious time to have a special meetings just to discuss the CNY banners? Should I feel flattered by the attention?

(6) Most of the PR representatives in this kawasan are first timers, for some to taste the power is to show their power, so they do not hesitate to pounce on us or MPSJ officers? So how are they different when they condemn others of doing same?

(7) Why is it that Penyelaras appointed by the PM's Department can not use the lambang? Our letter heads & name cards have always carried the national lambang. Officers from ministries and state governments also have the national & state lambang on their name cards. It has never confined to Ahli Parlimen or Adun! The reason for disallowing us to use the lambang on our banner was that, it would confused the residents. The concerned Ahli Majlis, not only undermined the intelligence of our residents, the act is also a reflection of their insecurity.

(8) When these PR representatives do not allow us to use the lambang and Penyelaras, are we then not Penyelaras appointed by the PM's department? What policy is this? This regulation of denying the rightful user from using the lambang is against human rights and the natural law of justice.

(9) When the kawasan have so many other issues, yet so many people can spend precious time on this trivial matter of greeting banners, can we assume that the PR representatives have nothing better to do? It is a waste of effort, time and energy. I would rather have a press conference on more relevant issues, than telling the residents what we have gone through. No wonder there are so many issues still unsolved after 2 years. Do the PR representatives know what is their “ Priority”?

(10) Last year, the State Adun in her blog dated 05-02-09 wrote: “A resident in Subang Jaya has sent out a mass email to some in MCA and other residents criticising me for not putting up banners to wish the Chinese community here in conjunction with the Chinese New Year celebration. ……………. I am not from MCA; as such I am not elected to only look out for the rights of the Chinese.I represent Malaysians of all races in Subang Jaya……………….I would rather use the thousands of ringgit to assist those in need in Subang Jaya.”

All my friends, please walk about town now and see for yourself the many greeting banners with both Ahli Parlimen & Adun everywhere. Anyway, people’s memories are short, isn’t it? I have to thank her for recognising that MCA do representing the Chinese Community, on top of that, I also have to thank her for reminding her PR colleagues, especially from DAP, to “use the thousands of ringgit to assist those in need”. Please go to Klang Pandamaran, you will see our dear Ronnie’s buntings are everywhere. He has that opportunity to recycle his buntings from last year, but for us our banners of 3 days are lost and gone. And who may I ask is responsible for this?

Patience Has It's Limits (1)

On Thursday (11-02-10) morning, I had a Press Conference at my USJ1 office. I wish that the purpose of the PC was on constructive and positive matters, however, it was held because our Chinese New Year Greeting banners were taken down by MPSJ enforcement officers, on the instructions of a few Pakatan Councillors.

Ever since the last General Election, I have not played the role of an active opposition in the kawasan. I felt that the Pakatan representatives should be given space to learn and to carry out their tasks, for the benefit of the rakyat and the country. But, some of these Pakatan representatives, especially the new comers, were just too anxious to find fault with the previous government, instead of spending more time to familiarize themselves with their new jobs. Bombarding the BN government became their prime task, putting forward beneficial policies or services became secondary. Even though they have taken over the state, there still exists this "opposition mentality". I suppose that opposing is much easier than governing.

My team and I, have accepted the decision of the voters in last General Election. Even though we face bombardment and ridicule from some people, we continue our work in the community, as the rakyat is our concern. We take interest on issues whether local or national, we comment and give constructive suggestions, whether through the press or on my blog. In the last 2 years, we have encountered various uncalled for remarks and sometimes even unfair treatment, we have chosen to ignore or laugh them of, because we know that the elite community here deserved a good cultured political atmosphere.

But patience has it's limits. When we tried to put up the Christmas & 2010 New Year banners, our Ketua Pemuda cum Penyelaras Dun Subang Jaya, Lee You Hin went to MPSJ to apply for the necessary permits. However, each time Lee met the Pegawai lesen, he received the same answer: " Ahli Majlis ta'bagi, saya di tengah, susahlah." We had the banners ready for more than a week, but still could not obtain the permit stickers. We took the risks and finally put up the Christmas Greeting banners on 23rd December 2009 , just 2 days before Christmas. But days before 01-01-10, 2 of the banners disappeared.

I found out from other organisations that they have never encounter any difficulty in obtaining their permit, either applying before or after putting up their banners. We made 5 Chinese New Year Greeting banners, they were ready on Friday(05-01-10) evening, we planned to apply for the necessary permit on Monday(08-01-10) morning. However, our Division Secretary Gan Min Foo informed me that the volunteers were free on Saturday(06-01-10) afternoon to put up the banners and we did. On the same night at around 8.30pm, I received a call from a friend asking me whether I knew that 1 of Adun Subang Jaya's Chinese New Year Open House banner was missing, and that my banner was on the same pedestrian bridge. Later that night, I received yet another sms enquiring about the same matter. I called up my Secretary and was assured by him that they had nothing to do with the loss of the Adun's banner. And we both agreed that, the guys may not be the smartest, but neither are they so stupid as to remove some other's banner whilst putting up their own, in the same area.

On Monday (09-02-10) morning, my Secretary informed me that he received a call from the Police to enquire about the loss of Adun's banner, at about the same time we noticed that our banner on the SS18 pedestrian bridge also disappeared. Just before our Ketua Pemuda went to MPSJ to submit the application for the permit, we were informed that 3 other banners had also gone missing, in total, 4 banners disappeared. After a few phone calls, we were told that 1 of Adun's PA made a police report on the loss of her banner, and the Ahli Majlis from Pakatan have instructed MPSJ enforcement officers to take down our Chinese New Year Greeting banners.

The process of applying for permits normally takes about an hour or two, but it took us from the 8th till the 10th even after many calls to various sources. The permits may still not be issued if not because of calls to the YDP who was on sick leave, the Majlis Setiausaha was most helpful to sign on our application form. I understand that the Ahli Majlis had to hold a special meeting at 2.15pm to discuss our application. We had to pay for the permit which would normally last for 30 days but was given for only 19 days, and the permits come with some restrictive conditions. This is abuse of power !!!
(to be continued)

12 February 2010



(1) 贺佳节布条,是一般团体,个人和政治工作者向当地居民祝贺的一种简易方式。什么时候,却成为某些人的专利品?为何民联政府一当朝,即诸多为难?某市议员说过去国阵不让反对党挂贺佳节布条,他如不是新人一个就是没做功课强词夺理; 请他去询问Seputeh或Bukit Bintang或Klang的民联多届议员,他们过去的贺年布条可有高高挂?

(2) 民联议员整天评警方效力不高,然而遗失布条也报警,占用他们的执法时间,又该当何论?

(3) MPSJ有许多更紧急的事件不去处理,却滥权派MPSJ执法队一大清早去取走还没挂上48小时正待准证的贺年布条效率何其高一大堆大耳窿的非法布条满街挂,挂到久已烂不成形,又不见得劳师动众拆除?

(4) 贺年布条非政治宣言,为何把它当洪水猛兽?难道这几条贺年布条就能让政权转移?那我不是该多挂几条!

(5) MPSJ管辖范围广大,该处理的事情不少,市议员却为贺年布条开特别会议,本末倒置,该当何罪?

(6) 本区部分州市议员第一次掌权,难道非得要耍权才显得高人一等?这和嘴里口口声声抨击的前朝官员有何分别?

(7) 首相署委任的协调官为什么不能用国徽我们的公函信头都有国徽!各部门的官员,不都在名片上有国徽?州政府的官员不都有州徽名片?谁说国州徽只有国州议员专用?好笑得是不允许用国徽的理由是居民会混淆。这些胡说八道人士,低估首邦市人民的智慧,侮辱首邦市人民的水准!


(8) 难道不允许我们用国徽和协调官名称,我们就不是首相署委任的官员?这是什么道理?什么政策?我们有正式的官方委任状,MPSJ市议员有何权利否定首相的委任?天天讲透明说人权,但今日所为已侵犯我们的基本权利及没杀我们的身份,这不是侵犯人权吗?!

(9) 在大家欢庆佳节时,数位印巫籍市议员与市议会官员,硬毁贺年布条,毫不考虑华族同胞的感受与顾忌!地方上有那么多问题要解决,却为贺年布条一事惊天动地大做文章,浪费不少时间人力精力,不懂得分事情的轻重,难怪许多问题累积2年尚无法处理?!


(10) 首邦市州议员去年05-02-09 在她的部落说: “A resident in Subang Jaya has sent out a mass email to some in MCA and other residents criticising me for not putting up banners to wish the Chinese community here in conjunction with the Chinese New Year celebration. ……………. I am not from MCA; as such I am not elected to only look out for the rights of the Chinese. I represent Malaysians of all races in Subang Jaya ……………….I would rather use the thousands of ringgit to assist those in need in Subang Jaya”.

现请大家去走走看看,她和罗国本国会议员的贺年布条正在首邦市高挂!!?一年前的话,今天忘了。不过,根据以上所写,我要谢谢她承认马华是代表华人,所以华人选民,请你们依照她的意思吧!同时,也谢谢她把去年多位在选区里有挂贺年布条的民联议员,尤其是DAP同僚,归为不会把'布条的钱用在人民身上'。请大家去巴生Pandamaran走走,刘大哥的buntings满街是。然而,他有机会重用去年的,可我们刚做的就被毁,又得重制; 这是谁在协助‘浪费’钱?


11 February 2010

忍无可忍 (一)



首先,我在此说明,自从308大选后,我不曾积极扮演反对党的角色,向报界或在某些场合公开评击民联代议士。我一直认为,既然人民求变心切,就让民联人有空间去表现吧。然而,一些民联人民代议士,尤其是新进者,一上台不是去熟悉工作或环境,所专长是随时找碴,以抨击国阵为本,服务论政为次虽然当政,依然是反对党心态; 不用做,只用口。对也评,不对不用说,在部落在面子书大评特评,喧哗取宠,通常没有建设性的方案。

事实是,问题仍然存在; 这些人士的处理方式再简单不过,把问题推给前朝政府,也顺带把所有国阵人士,有关无关人士一锅煮熟,任务就当完成。然后,继续找问题,搞大它; 当然也碰到有无法解决一些居民的要求而受到责备,就大书特书责怪居民刁难,再引来一群’粉丝’安慰打气,工作又算告成。

我和我的团队,接受选民在308的选择,面对冷嘲热讽,不屈不挠,继续在地方上积极认真服务,以民为本; 针对地方上的措施或国家政策的偏差,不论是来自国阵或民联方面,也积极给与评论和建议。不论在媒体或 '忠言闲话',你们都会看到。在这二年里,也曾受到一些民联人士的不合情理对待或冷嘲; 但为了建立良好政治文化与气氛,为国为民,君子不记小人过,选择哑忍或一笑置之

然而,君子作风,与事无补,在Kelana Jaya的民联人士近来得寸进尺。以前的不说,就以圣诞期间,我和州协调官在12月中制作3条贺圣诞节及2010新年布条。我们2人都曾在市议会里,知道挂布条要申请准证州协调官李宥兴,数次去MPSJ申请,都因官员说民联代议士反对有所顾忌,不敢发准证,无功而返。在12月23日,只剩2天就是圣诞节,只有硬着头皮挂上去向居民贺节,还没渡过2010年,2条布条就无影无踪。当时,我们只有当做可能是一些调皮孩童拿走,没向任何人投诉。之后,曾向一些本区团体询问,发现他们没碰上类似问题,甚至挂上去后再申请也行。我也向其他国阵同僚了解在别的市议会申请准证情形如何,他们异口同声说没问题。

这次华人新年,我们也制作5条贺年布条2月5号星期五拿到时是下午,MPSJ已没办公; 2月6日星期六下午工作人员有时间就先去挂,计划星期一8号一早去申请准证。当天晚上(星期六晚上),我收到一通朋友的电话说: “州议员新春团拜的布条不见,你的工作人员有拿走吗?”。不久之后,又收到另一位朋友的一则短讯,也是询问同样事件。我即刻查询,确定我的工作人员没动过她的布条,马上回电给以上两位人士交代,以为事情就此告一段落。

2月8日星期一早上,区会秘书说他收到警方电话查询此事,这令我惊讶万分; 接下去,在我们还来不及去MPSJ申请准证的4条布条也不见了。后来被告知州议员的特别助理去警局报失布条,又有市议员去MPSJ叫执法队取走布条。

我们从8号星期一下午到昨天(10日)中午,原本只需一两个小时就可办好的布条准证,却得通过无数通的电话,甚至在病假的YDP都接听我的电话, 市议会秘书长也协助签表格sokong,仍然无法取得准证。最终被告知,一些市议员在昨天下午,在市议会召开特别会议,为我们的贺年布条另立条规,才在下班前给了 有条规限制的准证’ !



10 February 2010

Happy Chinese New Year 庚寅年进步,万事皆如意


庚寅年进步 万事皆如意

To all Malaysians and Residents in Subang Jaya, USJ, Bandar Sunway, Seri Setia and all areas in Kelana Jaya Parliment Constituency, who celebrate Chinese New Year :

Happy Chinese New Year

Selamat Tahun Baru Cina

To others, enjoy your holidays, drive carefully & reach home safely

From: 王锺璇

Ong Chong Swen

Penyelaras Parlimen Kelana Jaya

Ketua MCA Bahagian Kelana Jaya

Ketua Wanita MCA Bahagian Kelana Jaya

and 率领
MCA KJ Committe Members





08 February 2010

MCA Kelana Jaya CNY Open House Invitation 马华格拉那再也区会新春团拜邀请函

MCA Kelana Jaya Committee members have the pleasure to invite the residents, community leaders, NGOs & everyone in town to join us on

MCA Kelana Jaya CNY Open House

Date: 28-02-2010
Time: 11.00 - 3.00pm
Venue:39-2, Jalan USJ1/1A, Regalia Business Centre, 47620 Subang Jaya.(In front of Division Office)

We look forward to your presence.

Happy Chinese New Year !

Pengerusi Bahagian: Pn.ONG CHONG SWEN013-3362899
Setiausaha Bahagian:Sdr GAN MENG FOO 012-3771499
Pengerusi Penganjur:Sdr TAY KOK LEE 016-2092973



日期: 28-02-2010
地点: 39-2, Jalan USJ1/1A, Regalia Business Centre, 47620 Subang Jaya.(区会会所前)


迎春接福 万事如意

区会主席 :王钟璇 013-3362899
区会秘书 :颜明富 012-3771499
筹委会主席 :郑国理 016-2092973


03 February 2010


"病从口入,祸从口出" 这句话,在首相署特别事务官拿督纳希身上印证了!

话说了,听在他人耳; 再怎么分辩也无济于事,这是'持权坐大,口不择言'的结果。拿督纳希可说他的言论是被断章取义,然而谈1 Malaysia时,何苦长篇大论谈过去,何苦贬损他人,何苦强调单一方面的功劳与付出,现在的子民不吃这套,也不'兴'这样的言调!

要有效传达讯息,要让出席者愿煮绞脑汁共同思考,不如直接向出席者坦诚为什么要有1 Malaysia的概念与构思,大家要如何配合以便中央政府能顺利执行; 必须让出席者感觉到在'一个马来西亚'策略中能扮演有效的角色!大家共同讨论共同贯彻,才会有使命感,才愿意无私无求去为国家的未来国民的前程打拼!

在大多数人着重评论谴责纳希的演说当儿,我们也得认同首相署在这事件上,只用几小时时间的敏捷反应与决定是正确的; 大马特别事务局(JASA)总监拿督弗厄哈山也即时向华印裔社会公开道歉。在过去,多少事件能拖则拖,能盖则盖,能赖则赖,就是能耍赖耍厚睑皮; 而拿督弗厄哈山知道这错误言论的严重性,当机立断的表现,是值得赞扬的!特别事务局(JASA)总监的职位,他当之无愧!我国一直以来让人卑视的'不道歉'文化,至少已由他来破除。




02 February 2010

PM’s aide denies making racist remark

I was shocked and surprised to read the news on Datuk Nasir Safar's remarks. We know that Datuk Nasir is one the speakers that promote and speak on Dato' Sri Najib's 1 Malaysia Concept. Following write up are from Malaysiakini and Malaysian Insider, read and judge for yourself.

PM aide's 'racist' remarks spark outrage
RK Anand Feb 2, 10 5:13pm (Malaysiakini)

The stinging remarks made by a special officer to Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak during a seminar titled 'Rapat 1Malaysia' in Malacca this morning prompted scores of MIC and MCA members as well as representatives from non-governmental organisations to stage a walkout.

PM’s aide denies making racist remark
By Adib Zalkapli and G. Manimaran (Malaysian Insider)

KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 2 — Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s special officer Datuk Nasir Safar has denied allegations that he made racist remarks at a 1 Malaysia seminar earlier today, adding that he was only giving a talk on the nation’s history.

The allegation comes at a time when Najib has been working hard to win over the support of non-Malays amid the “Allah” row which saw attacks on places of worship across the country.

“I did not say the word ‘pendatang’. I only said the country has been successful as the Chinese and the Indians from those days until today have been coming here to work,” Nasir told The Malaysian Insider in a telephone interview.

He also dismissed claims that he had threatened to revoke the citizenship of non-Malays who demand that their rights be respected.

“I did not threaten anyone, and I have never intended to do that. You know I’m very close to MIC people. I only said it is not good for any community to make so much demands as other communities will retaliate,” Nasir added.

The Malaysian Insider understands that several MCA and MIC leaders walked out of the meeting after Nasir made the alleged remarks. The MIC Youth is also planning to lodge a police report against Nasir.

Nasir added he also did not ridicule other languages, but only defended the supremacy of the Malay language. “I said Malay language is the national language, there should only be one national language,” he said.

But Nasir’s defence was disputed by those present at the seminar organised by Jasa, a division with the Information Department.

An Alor Gajah MIC member, who only wished to be known as Maniam, said he heard clearly Nasir’s threat to revoke citizenships, before he joined others to leave the meeting.

“I also heard he said when Umno is facing problems, MCA, MIC and Gerakan do not seem to be concerned,” he told The Malaysian Insider in a telephone interview.

Another local MIC member, who spoke on condition of anonymity, also said he heard Nasir use the word “pendatang”.

“He said it was Umno who drafted the (federal) constitution and other parties were not involved,” the MIC member said.

He added that they confronted Nasir during tea break, but the latter defended himself by saying he was only referring to Hindraf leaders.

The state Barisan Nasional (BN) component party leaders are also planning to handover a memorandum to Najib when the prime minister visits Malacca this Thursday.
