I would like to ask the following questions:
(1) Greeting banners have been a way of greeting by organisations, individual & politicians in all parts of Malaysia. It is the most direct and economical means of sending personal greetings to many. Why is the present Pakatan State Government, making it difficult with various restrictions? One of the Ahli Majlis said that the opposition were not allow to put up greeting banners when Barisan governed, this gentleman is either very new in politics or never bothered to do his home work, kindly get the facts right by checking with your seniors who are many term MP or Adun in Seputeh, Bukit Bintang or Sungai Pinang etc. They have put up their Festive Greeting Banners every year !
( 2) PR representatives have on many occasions, commented that the Police force are not efficiency in carrying out their duties. If everyone followed their example of making police reports over minor matters eg. Loss of banners, taking up the police’s time, how would we expect them to perform?
(3) When MPSJ staff have so many daily matters to handle, isn’t the councillor wasting public funds & abuse of power by demanding that enforcement officers go out on Monday morning, to confiscate our CNY greeting banners, the permit of which were being applied for that very day? There are hundreds of illegal & “ Ah Long" banners in town for a long time , yet this councillor chose to ignore them, where is the initiative to take these down?
(4) CNY greeting banners carried no political slogans or messages, why are PR representatives so worry? If putting up banners can turn the State around, would I not have done it earlier?
(5) MPSJ have so many issues to take up, yet the councillors spend precious time to have a special meetings just to discuss the CNY banners? Should I feel flattered by the attention?
(6) Most of the PR representatives in this kawasan are first timers, for some to taste the power is to show their power, so they do not hesitate to pounce on us or MPSJ officers? So how are they different when they condemn others of doing same?
(7) Why is it that Penyelaras appointed by the PM's Department can not use the lambang? Our letter heads & name cards have always carried the national lambang. Officers from ministries and state governments also have the national & state lambang on their name cards. It has never confined to Ahli Parlimen or Adun! The reason for disallowing us to use the lambang on our banner was that, it would confused the residents. The concerned Ahli Majlis, not only undermined the intelligence of our residents, the act is also a reflection of their insecurity.
(8) When these PR representatives do not allow us to use the lambang and Penyelaras, are we then not Penyelaras appointed by the PM's department? What policy is this? This regulation of denying the rightful user from using the lambang is against human rights and the natural law of justice.
(9) When the kawasan have so many other issues, yet so many people can spend precious time on this trivial matter of greeting banners, can we assume that the PR representatives have nothing better to do? It is a waste of effort, time and energy. I would rather have a press conference on more relevant issues, than telling the residents what we have gone through. No wonder there are so many issues still unsolved after 2 years. Do the PR representatives know what is their “ Priority”?
(10) Last year, the State Adun in her blog dated 05-02-09 wrote: “A resident in Subang Jaya has sent out a mass email to some in MCA and other residents criticising me for not putting up banners to wish the Chinese community here in conjunction with the Chinese New Year celebration. ……………. I am not from MCA; as such I am not elected to only look out for the rights of the Chinese.I represent Malaysians of all races in Subang Jaya……………….I would rather use the thousands of ringgit to assist those in need in Subang Jaya.”
All my friends, please walk about town now and see for yourself the many greeting banners with both Ahli Parlimen & Adun everywhere. Anyway, people’s memories are short, isn’t it? I have to thank her for recognising that MCA do representing the Chinese Community, on top of that, I also have to thank her for reminding her PR colleagues, especially from DAP, to “use the thousands of ringgit to assist those in need”. Please go to Klang Pandamaran, you will see our dear Ronnie’s buntings are everywhere. He has that opportunity to recycle his buntings from last year, but for us our banners of 3 days are lost and gone. And who may I ask is responsible for this?