28 December 2012
中国70年代文化大革命,对毛主席疯狂的崇拜让年青红卫兵对父母师长的惨害,毁弃儒家学说; 40年后的今日尚有馀影。
21 December 2012
马华雪兰莪州联委会副秘书王钟璇对雪兰莪州务大臣卡立最近发表的言论不敢恭维。首先,当人们质问为何雪州民联政府没有兑现12届大选的承诺,语无伦次的卡立竟说大选宣言不是承诺!或应该是说308大选前胡扯,因为没想过会执政; 准备丢些课题让国阵去头痛。怎会想到胡扯难搞的事情,现在要自己扛!
如今完全不提起12届大选前的诺言,出尔反尔已是不负责任的作法; 可现在还要扭曲竞选宣言的承诺,因为在当时的大选宣言根本没提及选票事项。投票本是秘密的,卡立竟质疑这些单亲妈妈在上届大选的选票投给谁!
20 December 2012
Happy Winter Solstice Merry Xmas & 2013 New Year
It has come to the last 11 days of 2012, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all my friends who have in one way or another, encourage me and help me; walk with me, enable me to continue my tasks.
Thank you and I LOVE YOU !
To all Malaysians and Residents in Subang Jaya, USJ, Bandar Sunway, Seri Setia and all areas in Kelana Jaya Parliment Constituency, who celebrate
Winter Solstice
冬至团聚 圣诞快乐 新年进步
From: Ong Chong Swen 王锺璇
and 率领
Thank you and I LOVE YOU !
To all Malaysians and Residents in Subang Jaya, USJ, Bandar Sunway, Seri Setia and all areas in Kelana Jaya Parliment Constituency, who celebrate
Winter Solstice
2013 New Year
Penyelaras Parlimen Kelana Jaya
Ketua MCA Bahagian Kelana Jaya
Ketua Wanita MCA Bahagian Kelana Jaya
MCA KJ Committe Members
18 December 2012
Christmas is for Everyone !!
Christmas is around the corner, I still remember an article which I read in 2009 December.
After reading the article, I wrote in my blog & I wish to repost it here:
Yesterday, I read an article "Christmas is for everyone" by Rusdi Mustapha in Malay Mail. It helps me to recall how I spent Christmas with my children when they were young little kids.
First of all, my children and I are not Christians, but my Filipino maid is a Catholic. Initially, my maid and I will decorate the tree while my children happily helping with the decorative items. As my kids grow older, they help their "sister" decorate the tree; the "sister" has been with us for 12 years. (Now 15 years)
I have Christmas tree in my house for 3 reasons:
1st To let my maid feel at home and teach my kids to respect other's religion,
2nd The twinkle lights on Christmas tree help to create festival mood in the family,
3rd Decorating Christmas tree is a project lead by the maid and assist by the kids.
The maid is a part of the family.
1st To let my maid feel at home and teach my kids to respect other's religion,
2nd The twinkle lights on Christmas tree help to create festival mood in the family,
3rd Decorating Christmas tree is a project lead by the maid and assist by the kids.
The maid is a part of the family.
A comment posted to the article "Christmas is for everyone" : ....It reminds me of a story I heard 2weeks ago in Manado. My guide told me a story that the Indonesian PM visited a mosque there and an official made a request for a full grown pine tree within the mosque to be chopped down, on the account that it is a Christian tree! The PM asked when did the old pine tree convert to Christianity?
The comment tickles me but also make me ponder : Why must one be so narrow minded? Why can't we respect each other? I have a WISH: Let's 2010 be a GOOD year for everyone. ( The over jealous action or implementation of an official will jeopardize the policy and wishes of Leaders)
(Article from Malay Mail)
SERI MENANTI: Christmas is for everyone!
Rusdi Mustapha
Monday, December 28th, 2009 11:05:00
ONCE upon a time, almost in the age of enlightenment in this country in the early 90s, I wrote in a newspaper column about roasting turkey for Christmas for friends.
The following week, I received a letter from a Pas Youth leader asking me to repent for I had deviated from the true path of Islam or so he had surmised just from what appeared to be my derring-do attitude for making a roast turkey dinner!
He said as roasting turkey has always been associated with the Christian religion, I as a Muslim, should stick to “our own” traditional culinary delights (lemang, rendang?).
And that I had succumbed to Christian ideology which he claimed was so so subtle, like roasting turkeys, and that Muslims would be easily influenced.
I sighed and laughed it off as being one of those quirks in life! This guy from Kelantan had probably never tasted roast turkey with cranberry sauce in his life, and yet he condemned the turkey as being heretic!
Like any other year, this year is no different when it comes to Dec 25; the world, and Malaysians included, celebrate Christmas. Like any other festival, it is celebrated in the true spirit of friendship, brotherhood, love and giving and most of all forgiving! And lots of turkey dinners, yum! And egg-nag, Christmas pudding and sweet potatoes!
Personally for me and my family, Christmas has always been a festival of happiness and a celebration of light.
From those days when we were in Canada and until now in Malaysia, except for this year, we have always had a small pine tree, namely a Douglas fir, in our living room that my wife and I, and our daughter when she was around, decorated.
Christmas in Canada was also fun. I had a lot of good memories, plus the snow AND the brutal wind-chill factor outside, and there will be a lot of presents under the tree for all of us.
Forget the religious connotations being associated with Christmas, this joyous celebration must be celebrated not only by Christians, but by Malaysians of all creed, colour and religion.
During my wandering days around the world, I had spent many Christmases with many groups, such as the most memorable one with a group of gypsies of Thessaloniki in Greece.
Here is the thing, gypsies are not even Christians and yet they find a reason to have fun. In their campsite they will make stew and they will be drinking a peculiar Greek drink called retsina, a type of wine that tastes like pine resin.
It tastes awful but after a while they forget the taste and start to spin and dance.
Come to think of it, I have celebrated Christmas with Ukrainians, Kurdish, Turkish, Indians, Albanians, Croatians, Chinese, Bosnians, Germans, Indonesians, Dutch, Slovaks and many, many more unique tribes of the world, and they all have one thing in common — they all celebrate Christmas with such joy, gusto and happiness!
It is a universal thing.
Did you know that the late PLO leader Yasser Arafat attended Christmas mass with his wife Seha who is a Catholic? In the Middle East, not all Arabs are Muslims and not all Muslims are also Arabs. They celebrate one another's religious celebration as Arabs. Even the sermon is in the Arabic language.
I have a good friend from Sarawak whose multi-religious family lives under one roof. As I know it, Evelyn and her sister Joyce are Christians, and the other three siblings are Muslims; they love one another and no religion can separate them. They live under the true concept of 1 Family, no matter what their religion is.
I know I am rambling, but it takes a lot of energy writing this column, knowing three of my most important persons — my wife, my daughter and my grand-daughter — are celebrating Christmas with friends and relatives over in Canada.
For the record, my only granddaughter, she is 10 months old, celebrated her first Christmas on this Planet Water, in Canada with her grandma-Uwan, her mummy and her daddy, and her daddy’s relatives and I can only imagine how joyous it must be, and sadly I am not there.
So here goes, Merry Christmas and May God or Allah, bless us all! Especially to my “keepers” and those I dearly love!
11 December 2012
在同一个时间,由马华八打灵南北区及格拉那再也3区会所办的“要稳定,不要乱” 千人宴; 现场有507桌,每桌卖300令吉。当晚的大部分售票所得都拨给2013年3区华小清寒学童助学金; 3区9间华小215位学童受惠。每位学生将在2013新学年,获600令吉辅助新学年开销,合共12万9000令吉。
行动党向来靠喊口号和扭曲事实来煽动华社不满政府的情绪,趁机捞取选票; 当权却扮可怜向民众筹款,用尽方法和模式,只为了入主布城,为了党,为了官爵!行动党筹款只是在于夺权用途,让他们的党员参加大选有机会当官。可曾真正为华教和华社谋求福祉?
同胞们,行动党在伊斯兰党多项不利非伊斯兰教徒的措施课题,有如中风,口齿不清; 没有急先锋没有大声公。而在为华教出几分力时,马华以实际行动表示诚意,行动党却大选为主,官爵为重!!
她说,行动党每次以政治讲座为名,四处向公众筹款。而这回更是“换了座位,换了脑袋”,在一家4星级酒店大摆延席,每桌售1500令吉或每个席位售200令吉,共筹了20万8千8百24令吉!已当家,竟然还继续要向民众筹款; 而且也只是为行动党的13届大选基金筹款!
行动党向来靠喊口号和扭曲事实来煽动华社不满政府的情绪,趁机捞取选票; 当权却扮可怜向民众筹款,用尽方法和模式,只为了入主布城,为了党,为了官爵!行动党筹款只是在于夺权用途,让他们的党员参加大选有机会当官。可曾真正为华教和华社谋求福祉?
她指出,过去行动党一直在污辱马华,指马华的宴会是免费的。然而,马华多场“要稳定丶不要乱”的大型晚宴都是售卖餐券成功举办; 收益大部分捐给当地的教育团体。马华办宴会和活动,是在贯彻 “取之社会,用之社会”的华人优良传统。
05 December 2012
她说,我国宪法提倡经济自由,即人民有权利在不违反宪法的情况下,进行各自的经济活动。但是极端思想的丹州民联政府,却在开倒车; 仍然以“男女授受不亲”为伊斯兰教义,侵犯非穆斯林的权益。
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