20 April 2012


在2012年4月15日,马华格拉那再也区会主办-系列‘与民交流会’; 由早上7点与晨操居民交流至晚上十点半交流晚宴结束,达致与数千名居民近距离沟通交谈。

其中1站,由党中委兼我国内政部副部长拿督李志亮开幕的SS19/1与民交流会及免费身体检验深受欢迎。这站的站长张玉荣及副站长Ir Hj Yusof费尽心思策划; 这站的节目丰富,共有以下几项:
(1) 由1个马华医药基金提供免费体检
(2) 颁发食品给与20户贫困家庭
(3) 由内政部移民厅官员派发资讯传单及回答如何申请永久居留证及公民权有关问题
(4) 颁发申请数年终成功获得公民权的通知信件给2位60岁以上的华裔国民
(5) 颁发RM3000给数位年近80高龄,在1948紧急状态及1962马印对抗期间捍卫国家的义务志愿军警

我们深感遗憾,身为-位法律系毕业的州议员,为了达到抹黑政治对手的目的,不惜 ‘无中生有,不求证实,误导人民’; 把1项有意义的活动,扭曲为‘招收外籍人为幽灵选民’运动。身为行动党州议员的杨巧双,刻意抹杀马华一路来为深受红身份证人士,国藉不明的土生土长国民,尤是对华印裔的努力。而她的同僚,在她的误导下,不分青红皂白,与她共出席'指责大会'!


1. 光明正当的交流会活动,竟成为为筹备大选让外国人成永久居民及发放公民权转为选民的指责。这是小人渡君子之心,狗嘴长不出象牙的最佳典型例子!

2. 杨巧双选择忽视马华过去无数年,为多少土生土长无国籍国民处理公民权事项; 还咄咄逼人,自以为是。

3. 杨巧双是城市知识份子典型人物,不去了解发觉在乡野周围有多少因红登记无法工作或出国探亲人士的苦难。

再说,申请公民权手续繁杂; DAP善长扇动情绪,只出嘴巴,杨巧双是不会也不愿为民走动协助申请。

4. 交流会场所公开,在下午2点至5点有数百人在现场,更有不少位中英媒体在场采访。杨巧双侮辱在场人士, 包括媒体朋友的智慧!

5. 我在此呼吁国民,尤其是曾经历经数年才申请公民权成功的人士,与我们共同谴责这种无中生有的扇动行为,昧着良心为个人议程的人民代议士!

6. 马华格拉那再也区会4年来,努力耕耘,为了答谢在苦难中-路来给与支持与鼓励的居民,在15晚安排感谢宴。虽不在朝,无权兼无钱,仍设法以淡薄菜肴表达对居民衷心的谢意。此时此刻,不愿居民破费; 何况马华如有主办筹款宴会,也都是为教育为医药!


杨巧双身为民选代议士,应有为民设榜的风范, 却耍尽诬蔑抹黑手法,她应为她的不当行为道歉!

一路来,我们以踏实的手法处理区内事务,不愿浪费时间精神与她‘斗’法!然而,杨巧双乐此不疲一次又一次攻击兼讽喻马华; 这回更污蔑了许多区会同志几个星期的努力,只为达到攻击他人成全自己的行为,是我们无法接受的举止!

注: 敬请不识中文的杨巧双,请人代译此文; 因本人无法用英文原汁原味表达,尚请代译者原汁原味传达。


  1. Why Hannah Yeoh distorted the fact to cheat the public to believe her twisted version of a good deed of MCA by posting in her blog on 16/4/12 at 7.40 pm ( 28 Hours after she received the Flyer at 3.30 pm on 15/4/12 ) :
    1. YB Hannah Yeoh received the Flyer at 3.30 pm on 15/4/12 ( when the event was just on- going ).
    2. Investigation by Hannah Yeoh wrt her subsequent alleged accusation could have been checked at the scene if she were to be a RESPONSIBLE Wakil Rakyat ). However, she chose to ignore it. ( OR probably she might have got someone to go to the scene and found nothing wrong with the good deed of the MCA ). So, she chose to ignore this MCA activity.
    3. Assuming that she read the newspapers at 8.00 am on 16/4/12 morning, ( 17 hours after she received the Flyer ), she started to feel unsecured as the coverage of MCA good deeds was too wide. By the evening on 16/4/2012 ( more than 24 hours after she received the flyer), she felt badly threatened of this MCA Road Show which could have diluted the support to her from the Chinese voters.
    4. This is especially required by her as she has lost support from the Indian community when she tried to use her new born child to achieve some political mileage but to the contrary she has instead offended the Indian by stating that her child is a Chinese but however the father is an Indian.
    5. She could not afford, at this juncture, to lose the support of the Chinese community anymore and hence she has to and decided to mischievously twist the fact and put up in her blog stating : “ MCA's recruitment drive for phantom voters?” for which even a standard 6 pupil will know that it is IMPOSSIBLE to do this sort of thing in public and also in front of the REPORTERS unless she is questioning the integrity and intelligence of the public and the reporters.

  2. Actually YB Hannah Yeoh is STILL NOT THAT BAD as she still has some conscience with her.
    Look At Her : She looked guilty conscious as she dared NOT look at you as she knows that her blog has cheated the public by twisted the fact and distorted the essence of MCA Road Show on 15/4/2012.

  3. The problem with the present sad state MCA in is that they work under the corrupt regime knowing full well that their bosses (read Umno members) are corrupted to the core and yet they are too gutless to even breathe their stand on the matter,instead they choose to dwell on the triviality like giving out the handouts,etc. Besides, there are many talented MCA members;however,they elected a porn star to be their head.Alas !

  4. Anonymous 07.30 AM,
    I do agree with you that MCA has to work under the corrupt regime and also that MCA knows full well that UMNO’s are corrupted. Similarly, DAP has to work under the PAS and PKR except that the latter are cleaner than UMNO.
    As for electing Chua SL to be the head, I would think that the delegates have made the correct decisions. Please note that we are NOT electing a person to lead the priests, or the monks or the scholars ( of course it would not be acceptable if a headmaster does similar thing as he is in the education sector and supposedly to lead the pupils by example). In politics, we need to elect a President who can lead. Who else then ( including the superman lone ranger OTK who can only fit well in ONLY in the 2nd line/tier like a lieutenant BUT NOT in the Top as a General ) is better than Chua SL?
    Please accept the fact that Chua SL has paid for what he has done by resigning from all his party posts then BUT he was re-elected in to be the president. Similarly President Bill Clinton was re-elected as the US President as the Americans had forgiven him and appreciated his talents and leadership. Why can’t the Malaysians ( especially the Chinese ) forgive Chua SL when his families had already forgiven him for what he has done. MCA needs a LEADER, NOT a PRIEST !!!
