Yesterday, I read an article "Christmas is for everyone" by Rusdi Mustapha in Malay Mail. It helps me to recall how I spent Chrismas with my children when they were young little kids.
First of all, my children and I are not Christians, but my Filipino maid is a Catholic. Initially, my maid and I will decorate the tree while my children happily helping with the decorative items. As my kids grow older, they help their "sister" decorate the tree; the "sister" has been with us for 12 years.
I have Christmas tree in my house for 3 reasons: 1st To let my maid feel at home and teach my kids to respect other's religion, 2nd The twinkle lights on Christmas tree help to create festival mood in the family, 3rd Decorating Christmas tree is a project lead by the maid and assist by the kids. The maid is a part of the family.
A comment posted to the article "Christmas is for everyone" : ....It reminds me of a story I heard 2weeks ago in Manado. My guide told me a story that the Indonesian PM visited a mosque there and an official made a request for a full grown pine tree, within the mosque to be chopped down, on the account that it is a christian tree! The PM asked when did the old pine tree convert to christianity?
The comment tickle me but also make me ponder : Why must oneself be so narrow minded? Why can't we respect each other? I have a WISH: Let's 2010 be a GOOD year for everyone.
(Article from Malay Mail)
SERI MENANTI: Christmas is for everyone!
Rusdi Mustapha
Monday, December 28th, 2009 11:05:00
ONCE upon a time, almost in the age of enlightenment in this country in the early 90s, I wrote in a newspaper column about roasting turkey for Christmas for friends.
The following week, I received a letter from a Pas Youth leader asking me to repent for I had deviated from the true path of Islam or so he had surmised just from what appeared to be my derring-do attitude for making a roast turkey dinner!
He said as roasting turkey has always been associated with the Christian religion, I, as a Muslim, should stick to “our own” traditional culinary delights (lemang, rendang?).
And that I had succumbed to Christian ideology which he claimed was so, so subtle, like roasting turkeys, and that Muslims would be easily influenced.
I sighed and laughed it off as being one of those quirks in life! This guy from Kelantan had probably never tasted roast turkey with cranberry sauce in his life, and yet he condemned the turkey as being heretic!
Like any other year, this year is no different when it comes to Dec 25; the world, and Malaysians included, celebrate Christmas. Like any other festival, it is celebrated in the true spirit of friendship, brotherhood, love and giving and most of all forgiving! And lots of turkey dinners, yum! And egg-nog, Christmas pudding and sweet potatoes!
Personally for me and my family, Christmas has always been a festival of happiness and a celebration of light.
From those days when we were in Canada and until now in Malaysia, except for this year, we have always had a small pine tree, namely a Douglas fir, in our living room that my wife and I, and our daughter when she was around, decorated.
Christmas in Canada was also fun. I had a lot of good memories, plus the snow AND the brutal wind-chill factor outside, and there will be a lot of presents under the tree for all of us.
Forget the religious connotations being associated with Christmas, this joyous celebration must be celebrated not only by Christians, but by Malaysians of all creed, colour and religion.
During my wandering days around the world, I had spent many Christmases with many groups, such as the most memorable one with a group of gypsies of Thessaloniki in Greece.
Here is the thing, gypsies are not even Christians and yet they find a reason to have fun. In their campsite they will make stew and they will be drinking a peculiar Greek drink called retsina, a type of wine that tastes like pine resin.
It tastes awful but after a while they forget the taste and start to spin and dance.
Come to think of it, I have celebrated Christmas with Ukrainians, Kurdish, Turkish, Indians, Albanians, Croatians, Chinese, Bosnians, Germans, Indonesians, Dutch, Slovaks and many, many more unique tribes of the world, and they all have one thing in common — they all celebrate Christmas with such joy, gusto and happiness!
It is a universal thing.
Did you know that the late PLO leader Yasser Arafat attended Christmas mass with his wife Seha who is a Catholic? In the Middle East, not all Arabs are Muslims and not all Muslims are also Arabs. They celebrate one another's religious celebration as Arabs. Even the sermon is in the Arabic language.
I have a good friend from Sarawak whose multi-religious family lives under one roof. As I know it, Evelyn and her sister Joyce are Christians, and the other three siblings are Muslims; they love one another and no religion can separate them. They live under the true concept of 1Family, no matter what their religion is.
I know I am rambling, but it takes a lot of energy writing this column, knowing three of my most important persons — my wife, my daughter and my grand-daughter — are celebrating Christmas with friends and relatives over in Canada.
For the record, my only granddaughter, she is 10 months old, celebrated her first Christmas on this Planet Water, in Canada with her grandma-uwan, her mummy and her daddy, and her daddy’s relatives and I can only imagine how joyous it must be, and sadly I am not there.
So here goes, Merry Christmas and may God or Allah, bless us all! Especially to my “keepers” and those I dearly love!
Enjoy reading !!
Who is Dr. Ridhuan Tee Abdullah? He is a 'prominent' Muslim convert, lecturing in the National Defence University.
Among so many converts in the country, why is he known as 'prominent' ? Well, this 'special' convert is more 'kiasu' than our neighouring 'kiasu' Singaporeans, more 'muslim' than most muslims. Many nights, he must has been dreaming and wishing that he is a born Muslim. When he becomes a convert, he is not only converted to the religion but trying hard to convert himself to race too. He is confused, he has mixed up religion and race. He may not even realised that because of his inferior complex, he is working hard to show his loyalty to his Muslim bosses, by accusing the non-Muslims of putting their own interests above that of the country’s. Hoping through stepping on others, he will be taken in as true Muslim.
Many a time,through his column in Mingguan Malaysia, he spoke as if he is an expert on religion and education. In his recent column, he puts forward 'a formula based on the racial and religious breakdown of the country’s 27 million population, to apportion the share of what is due to each community in terms of rights, festivities and celebrations, adding that no one should question the “social contract.” ' ( quote from Malaysian Insider)
Ridhuan TEE Abdullah, a Chinese Muslim convert( no matter how hard he can try, he can't take away his TEE), has to be corrected by another Malay Muslim Khalid Samad (Shah Alam MP), who said:“What he is doing is not right. As a Muslim, we want to emphasize that Islam teaches justice. Everyone has rights. We do not accept a rule where only one race’s rights are protected simply because they are the majority. We cannot deny the minority.”
I love this country as much as many other Malaysians, we did not doubt the special priviledges for Malays in the original social contract of the country. We also know that, as citizens of the country, it is our responsibility to contribute and build the country as our other brothers and sisters; and that we do.
I was talking to a friend from Sarawak, she is in her twenties, working in Shah Alam. Her father is a Malay Muslim, her mother was a Christian Dayak but has since converted. Her Dayak aunt married a Chinese, both are Christian staying in Petaling Jaya. She told me she will be going to her aunt's house during Christmas time and Chinese New Year. She enjoyed the rich cultures in her family. I was impressed and touched. Isn't that this is what we are working hard to achieve?
Tolerance and understanding has to be from all sides. So, TEE, if you cannot drop off your inferior complex, if you cannot accept where you come from(Chinese origin), you can as well stop writing and talking.
On the other hand, we may have to ignore him and do not be bothered by this "little man" (小人物). The more we talked about him, the more he is in the news. May be, this is the way he gets to be known! He wants to be noticed by the university authority or even political party!
每逢过年过节总是要准备送礼迎接节日。2010年即将莅临,上纲随意收集标题当Welcome 2010 Bye-bye 2009 的礼品,应该是not a bad idea。
先声明,没有先后秩序,没有事件大小,只是随意拎拾,但却令人思绪万千。 不过,严冬既然降临,春暖花开应在前头。这些礼物,可以打开审查,也可原封送走,也可声色俱厉批判,或无眼睇!看官们,由你们决定。
1. 共同纲领反击民联不稳固指责 辩论欠缺自我批判沦为演讲秀
2. 除了引擎,战机部分零件也失窃 阿末扎希:偷引擎者是国家叛徒
3. 霹州变天最少涉13宪法争议 三名专家认同还政于民重选
4. 指民联无法夺取砂州政权 公正党砂州议员跳槽爱国党
5. 范清渊递表格正式加盟爱国党 宣称五百民政党员将追随跳槽
6. 国会提呈廿项回教课题动议 公正党居林议员再掀起争议
7. 寄居论主角阿末获提前恢复党籍 巫统欢迎,火箭抨击,民政拒评
8. 廖派质疑汇报会出席率重选诚意 周美芬:蔡细历当总会长我辞职
9. 为了遣送15万外劳回国 政府花费超过3千万令吉
10.南洋商报跌剩五万 陈嘉庚精神星洲鲸吞
12.斥涉自贸区弊案是诽谤及人格谋杀 家祥挑战交通部公布所有咨询报告
13.翁诗杰与部落客茶会畅谈党争 指廖派难筹足签名重选机会渺
14.为豆蔻村捍卫权益只身往伦敦 慕鲁卡不堪槟执法当局干扰身亡
It has come to almost the last weeks of 2009, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all my friends who have in one way or another, encourage me and help me; and walk with me, enable me to continue my tasks. Thank you and I LOVE YOU !
From: Ong Chong Swen 王锺璇
Penyelaras Parlimen Kelana Jaya
Ketua MCA Bahagian Kelana Jaya
Ketua Wanita MCA Bahagian Kelana Jaya
今天在星洲日报'大都会',看到雪州苏丹华诞封赐官民的一系列照片,其中三张照引人注意。第一张是邓章钦雪州州会议长头载宋谷身穿官服,与夫人并坐第一排; 坐第三排是刘天球夫妇,隔二张椅子是欧阳捍华。欧阳捍华头载宋谷身穿官服,与议长一样。至於刘天球这'人物',一如以往,喜悦悦头戴头巾身穿马来服。第二张则是刘天球夫妇及欧阳捍华的放大照; 第三张是雪州苏丹与行政议员合照,走眼就看不到刘天球,原来戴头巾矮小的他站在第二排站台,竟给站在雪州苏丹旁高头大马的王子遮剩头巾; 或许这能免他人非议他的穿着。
未当议员时的他,在党内已问题一篓篓; 当了行政议员后,党内党外州行政问题照旧一篓篓。看看他的大杰作:
1.未当官时横批直评马华议员戴宋谷穿马来服归顺; 当官后面不改色,一而再二穿传统马来装以示忠心。(前言不对后语,评前人'归顺'而自己归顺有超之无不及; 因从没想过会当行政议员。既然当了,即刻比其他同僚殷勤向友族显忠心。)
3.号召示威反政府像话吗?邓章钦讥刘天球很反对党。(惯骑在马背上,久当反对党; 现双脚落地,久没带队示威满身不自在。)
5.对悬而未决的首邦丽雅湖滨公园问题束手无策。(与民对话时竟如此表示: 如发展商能同时提升公园设备,要州政府付款购地是荒唐。)
他的'光荣史',三天三夜写不完。以上几宗,已足以让人对此'人物'另眼相看。行动党有此人物,林氏父子还宠容他当宝; 而民联有行动党的他,回教党的哈山阿里,公正党的佐克菲,'民联三愚'是民联的不幸。他们的'愚'算是在暗地里 '助'国阵,继续'愚'吧!
人到老年,方才明白: 東奔西走竭力想去改變的不是別的,恰恰是他們自己。幾十年的時光換來的不是別的,而是 …心靜如水。
人到老年,能冷靜地去看待婚姻和家庭。他們知道 …世上沒有完全合乎男人心意的女人,也沒有完全合乎女人心意的男人。
人到老年,已懂得安慰自己:並且學會了在似乎無盡的黑暗中… 為自己點一盞希望的燈。
人到老年,不再有少年的狂妄、青年的浪漫,更人到老年,不再擁有童年的笑臉和青春的美麗,卻常常在 …午夜夢迴。多的則是對生活的 …感悟和理解。
人到老年,胸懷要開始變得像大海一樣,裝得下…四海風雲,容得下… 千古恩怨。
看完上文,感觉常挂在一些人嘴中的'知足常乐',使多少人给自己理由,不需拼不需冲。我认为,我们应该为目前自己拥有的一切感到高兴与感恩;但不应满足。在激励角度来看,一旦满足,就不会再努力。不过,像文中所说:"做人也是一生的事業,只要自己奮鬥過、追求過,失敗了又何妨?"。重点在于"奮鬥過、追求過"; 在为自己设定目标时,不抢掠不设计他人,做个不是只要别人尊重的人,而是自己回头看时还认得自己是那位当初心怀为人为民的人。没错,'胸怀要裝得下…四海風雲,容得下… 千古恩怨'; 这样日子会过得,无畏无惧,快乐高兴。
在人生路途上,增广见识,吸收知识,积极人生,就不必等到'人到老年'才醒悟才有智慧。因为,很多时候,这醒悟带着多少坦然厌悔成份?这智慧又带着多少与世无争的药方?明哲保身,见机行事,依山傍水?太多的祖传秘方,还是做回自己吧。所以,从现在,从这刻,让我们勇于面对; 该做的就去做,别在要向这人间说'再见'时留下空白一页!别来这世间只是'曾来此一游',而是'绝不虚此行'!
过去,对首相署部长纳兹里的印象一般,甚至有时觉得他的言论哗众取宠。然而,这回针对国家干训局课程的立场始终如一,令人括目相看。从宣布课程需要改进而和副部长交战,再面对副首相及其他同僚认为课程没问题,现在又和前前首相对上; 不单承认该局的课程确实在灌输种族主义思维,促同僚勿患否认症候群及有必要重新修订国家干训局课程。
做的不对要批评,做的好要赞扬; 纳兹里,你不认同同僚的胡扯及揭穿国家干训局的真面目,你的勇气值得佩服!希望你的同僚向你学习。
以拿督哈山阿里20年后当上行政议员后的言谈与思维,可推想20年前他推行的所谓"提升土著与各族群的竞争能力,而采用激励方式鼓励土著向上"的课程是什么货色!!他本身就是争论性人物,难怪上过他干训课的公务员,多年来的工作表现及心态有待修正!提升竞争能力及鼓励向上应是针对个人能力成长的提升及鼓励开拓学习成功思维; 不是口口声声"牺牲"土著权利给与外来者,不是强调友胞贪得无厌,不是鼓吹憎恨强国,不是 。。。
记得2007年,所有雪州女县市议员,被邀请出席一个全天讲座,其中一位主讲者就是来自国家干训局。我对其他主讲者印象不深,但对这位来自国家干训局的主讲者,不仅印象至今记忆犹新,对其所言尚劳记不忘。不是因他是一位特出主讲者,而是他对美国对安华对华文独中对黄志明(当时因Negarakuku闹得沸腾扬扬)所发表的看法,令我震惊。之后,我连发短讯给数位州及中央领袖,反映我的看法; 同时也在州联委会汇报讲座的内容。
我至今尚保留当时所发出的短讯: "听了两小时国家干训局总监Dato Shugul Hamid Bin Abdullah讲的课,强制自己不发言真不容易。前半部的历史及社会契约当历史课听,后半部却歪论百出。为了攻击公正党,制造反美反外情绪; 为了解释五十年独立还得谈国民团结,怪责母语教育是障碍; 还说黄明志读了中文说独中文凭无价,那就不要读!似是而非的言论,竞让现场的部份妇女如痴如醉。身为干训局总监竟有如此思维!继续如此言论才是破坏国民团结国家进步!用了不少"牺牲"字眼来谈各族相处之道,似是而非; 还说他不是通过政策者,他只能建议。但他搞干训呀!"
11月30日 下午 1点14分