26 April 2010



当首相了解国家要前进,国民必须团结; 而团结的基础在于各族国民受到应得的照顾与对待。上任一年的首相,面对自己族群及党内的压力,仍然尽力而为,希望自己能为马来西亚开创另一天地。国阵友党了解,此时此刻,必须鼎力支持首相,为全民争取机会。而你,没有给于首相支持,反而唱反调'倒米'!在国家政治圈中,充其量不过为小喽罗的你,却以领袖自居,靠叫嚣出位!!可悲的你,一路来靠'跳'靠'变色'在政治圈中,找市场销售自己,寻找缝隙寄居!

如果国阵满足华裔诉求,但仍流失华人票; 其中流失的一个因由就是你!就是你和你的同类,踩踏华裔的尊严!驱走部分华裔选民票!不是他们不懂得感恩,而是你们自嘘自大,把其他族群当'外来人',把身为国民应享有的权利当为施舍。你既然会说"人民要求政治稳定,国阵的胜利证明人民接受纳吉为首相,并否决种族政治。",然而你的所作所为,言行背驰!不过,依布拉欣阿里,放心,你没有那么大的功力与能耐驱走我们,让我们把建国各族先贤流血流汗建立的国土,双手捧让给你!!

一个小组织,却命名为大马土著权威组织; 命称本身就够'沙文'够'自大'。三成坚定不移的华人票,寄望首相的全民政策,与首相并肩作战; 在逆流中把持先贤开疆拓荒的精神,定位国土,重建乐园。


25 April 2010


昨天昨晚两次在FB里,叮咛公告乌雪华裔:林吉祥以哀兵上阵求票,不是民联选情告急,而是老林的策略,更是他的攻心计,也是他'能伸能屈'的最佳例子。而且而且,也借此机向公正党上下显大方与示'真心'替再益争票; 抵消砂劳越州公正党与民行党久存的争席位矛盾。半岛陆路交通方便廉宜,东马空陆费用高昂。老林算盘打得响,接下来5月砂州的补选,公正党怎能不投桃报李,多去助几臂之力。这样'便宜'的事,何乐不为?

一开始,乌雪补选提名日时,显示信心满满,让支持民联的居民充满欢愉,感觉议席已随手拈来。 然后,快到投票日,再来行情不妙选局告急,让支持者感觉快到手的议席随时会飞走。这一来,已有使命感的支持者还不拼老命保护'手中议席'?这计固然用得妙,然而,攻心计却只用在华族群中,非要超过80%的华裔票来支持民联; 林吉祥,你还标榜DAP是全民政党??

Malaysiakini今早报道国阵支持者多为马来青年,而民联支持者多为华裔中年,两者分为两阵线向对方揶喻呼叫; 再来可能比手势,再来。。。。果然,中午的报道已有肢体相碰的行为。天啊?两族情结何时了?!



21 April 2010


今天在电邮里,收到一篇转寄来的小故事; 我随意一阅,觉得结尾的那个问题真有'问题'!

他停步,她就停。甚至於,她開始凝視著他。 她終於超越了他,並在結帳檯前回頭和他交談:" 我希望我沒有讓你感到不自在,你和我死去的兒子長的太像了。"



"我知道這個請求有點不妥,但如果你能在我離開超市以前, 對我喊一聲'再見, 媽',我會很快樂。"。 然後她通過了結帳檯, 當她要走出超市時,年輕人喊了一聲 :"媽,再見"。 老太太揮揮手,並且回了一笑。


他很高興能夠帶給陌生老太太快樂的一天。 然後,輪到他結帳了。






這篇文章你感動了嗎? 還是大笑一場?

怎能感动怎能大笑一场呢?年青人的单纯同情心被'强暴',老妇人成功诈骗让人心寒,能'感动'谁啊? 希望这是造假故事,我倒当做警惕,但能否对陌生人都抱着猜疑警惕; 笑不出,更别说感动。


18 April 2010

和Datuk PG Lim相会

这几年,知己都和我相约,在农历新年期间前往拜访'国宝'拿督林碧颜。然而,今年因工作家事党务忙得连'朝圣'都在3月间才'醒悟'。终在328重选前,提着知己精挑的水果篮(必须确定软硬度适中,又不冷不热适合年纪的水果); 带着'朝圣'心态,同往拿督林碧颜刚搬迁的住宅。 3人在幽静的客厅,品赏香气扑鼻的茶; 听进耳朵的是那纯正的英语,收入眼里的是那无数的艺术品。在照片里的这座德国Grand Piano,是拿督林碧颜的妈妈留给她的遗物。


这回相会不谈太多政事,反而因刚搬迁,屋里的摆设是过去数访老家没看过。PG Lim 看到知音人,连忙向我们介绍她的collections。排列在橱柜里,摆在桌面上的,挂在墙壁上的; 多的让我们像贪婪的小孩,又指又看又摸又问。拿督林碧颜收藏的古董,远至英国伦敦博物馆都前来收购。虽说不谈太多政事,在介绍过程,一些物件还是勾起她万端的感慨; 不评政局还是评。她的直率尖锐,并不因岁月或少出席政团活动,而收敛。

一位98高龄的创国政治前辈,精神抖擞,至今对周围事件把捏比在朝者还细腻。期待详读她的回忆录,她对自己政治理念坚贞不屈的立场,不接受入阁的委任,让人佩服; 她对国家族群的那份感情,气愤后辈勾心斗角的从政心态,让人感动。这位我国杰出的华裔女性,是参政女性唯一不二的楷模!

相关文章: (1)http://chongswen.blogspot.com/2009/02/blog-post_11.html


17 April 2010

SHEILA MAJID - A Real Malaysian (3)

How do these stories affect you when it comes to your identity as a Malaysian? Especially in the current landscape of controversial racial and religious issues?
It's all petty. None of us originated from here! I'm sure your ancestors came from China and they were probably merchants who came here. Same with the Indian Malaysians. Everybody was travelling the world to conduct business, and they decided to stay put in a certain area.
I think all the issues today are very petty because 30 years ago, we were doing very good together. Why is it all coming up today? It is all political. I'd say leave the people alone. If you want to play your politics, don't get us involved. We were fine and well before, and we lived together in harmony. It's all about power and money. I think so many have forgotten the fundamentals of life — being nice to each other.
The Malaysia then was more open and tolerant. From a musician's perspective, for example, you have concerts and foreign artists coming in today, but people want to make a fuss over little things. We have a TV in our living room, and at the touch of a button our children can already see all those skimpy clothes if they want to. We are making an issue over little things, when there are other more important issues to be addressed.
Come on, do not insult our intelligence. Do you think they will go to a concert and suddenly want to be exactly like that? I may want to have a body like Beyonce (laughs), but, come on, I'm not going to be like her. I go and watch, learn and take what's positive, and will not do whatever I feel is against my religion or culture. My parents brought us up in an environment which was very open-minded, and we could discuss a lot of things, and yet they made sure we had our religious values, too. We grew up okay! And not less Malay.
I was brought up and exposed to Western culture, but it does not make me less Malay. I speak English because my father was an academic man, and he wanted us to speak the language well. Today I can converse in both Malay and English.
Why was the generation before more confident than the generation today? What happened along the way?
For my children, we speak Malay and English at home, but I also send them to Chinese school. My eldest is 19 and speaks Mandarin, English and Malay. They will all know Mandarin. I think it's an asset, and I think China is going to be a big economic powerhouse.
And say what you want, but English is an international language today. Malay Malaysians are beginning to have an inferiority complex because they cannot converse in English fluently. We are talking about, "Oh you must make sure you are Malay, and know your language." Well, of course we will know the Malay language, it is our mother tongue! At the end of the day, we are just going to be katak bawah tempurung and jaguh kampung lah.
What are your hopes for Malaysia ? What gives you hope?
Keep politics out of our music, keep it out of sports. When everyone wants to put their two cents' worth when they don't even know the subject, it is worrying.
Let us put it this way: there are two houses. One has a beautiful exterior, but the other is sturdy. If you ask a lay person, of course he or she would pick the beautiful one; but ask an architect, and he or she would tell you that it does not have the right foundation or structure. Today people with no expertise whatsoever are giving opinions in whatever fields they like. Leave it to the experts!
I am not saying everything is negative in this country, but compared to 30 years ago, people's priorities are so different. Today people are more into self gain, rather than what is good for the community, society and country. But my children give me hope. They are global in their outlook.
I always say you must not forget your roots, however modern you are. Hopefully they will grow up to be people who are compassionate and caring. I think it is important for it to start with parents and the schools, to bring all of this back. Do not look at each other as Indian, Chinese or Malay. We are Malaysians, kan ?


SHEILA MAJID - A Real Malaysian (2)

Can you trace your ancestry? Where are your grandparents or ancestors from?

My father was Javanese, and my mother has always been from Kuala Lumpur . My mother's great-great grandfather was actually a friend of Yap Ah Loy's. His name is Sutan Puasa, and is from the Mandailing clan, who are originally from Sumatra. The Mandailing are still around today; most of them are in Kajang.

Sutan Puasa was the first of their settlers in KL, and most of the land was owned by him at the time. Later, he was involved in a clash with the Bugis. But the Mandailing lost because the British were behind the Bugis, and so they lost KL to Selangor.
The history books never highlighted this because, well, they obviously write more about the Bugis family. I know why Bukit Nenas is named as such, for example. At the time the Mandailing wanted to keep the Bugis out, so they built many pineapple trees as a foil against the enemies.

If my family meets any others from the Mandailing clan today, we say "Horas!", which is like "Aloha" in the dialect, though we don't know or speak it anymore lah.
On my father's side, my great-grandfather was Javanese, who travelled to Mecca from Indonesia . They lived in Mecca for 10 years and were very religious. On his way back, my great-grandfather's ship was shipwrecked, and he ended up on the shores of Peninsular Malaysia. He set up home here, and changed his Javanese name to Haji Salleh.

Then there was my grandfather Haji Shahid, and later my father Haji Majid. My father actually has a family tree that goes right up to the Majapahit warriors. My father's lineage comes from Raden Hussein, who is the brother of Raden Hasan, the first Muslim sultan of Demak in Indonesia . Both were the sons of Probowo Wijoyo the Fifth of Majapahit, who was Hindu.
Did that rich ancestry feature in or influence your upbringing?
Well, my father studied in Oxford University , England , so he is very English oriented. When we grew up he emphasised education, being an academic person. Therefore when I wanted to become a singer, he freaked. My parents encouraged us to listen to all kinds of music and sent me for classical piano lessons, but he never thought I was going to be a singer. He thought it was fine as a hobby, but not as a career.

I'm glad to say, however, that before he passed away in 1996, he saw that I could make a living out of this, and that I was not in it for the wrong reasons. I love singing, I'm passionate about music, and am very much into my art. So I think when he passed away, he was quite assured that I'd be okay.

Our parents were very religious, and we had our spiritual foundation, but they also brought us up in a very open-minded kind of way. When we were young, we could wear shorts and things like that, they never asked us to cover up. It was a very balanced upbringing.


SHEILA MAJID - A Real Malaysian (1)

I received the interview of SHEILA MAJID - A Real Malaysian in my email, after reading the whole article, I couldn't help to like & love Sheila as my sister. She is wise, she is great ! I just want to share with you, my friends. Take your time to read, & I am sured you will be proud of her.


ONE of Malaysia 's most beloved singers, Datuk Sheila Majid has been wowing fans with her jazzy and R&B-flavoured brand of contemporary pop since the 1980s. From the release of her debut album Dimensi Baru in 1988 to the best selling Legenda in honour of the late Tan Sri P Ramlee, she has continued to break records through the years.
She was the first Malaysian artiste to have success in Japan , and performed a sold-out concert at the Royal Theatre in London 's West End in 1996. She was also the first local artiste to perform at the Dewan Filharmonik Petronas.
She tells The Nut Graph about her childhood, and her thoughts about Malaysia past and present, in this interview in February 2010.
TNG: When and where were you born?
Sheila Majid: I was born in Kuala Lumpur , 45 years ago. I'm a born and bred KL city girl. I remember less traffic jams back then, and life being much safer. I could wake up in the morning, go out cycling and meet friends, go to the bookstores and read comics.
What are some of the childhood memories you hold dear?
My childhood was a lot of fun. My father worked in the forestry department, with the government. So we lived in a government house behind Bank Negara, near Swettenham Road . There was a lot of space to play for us eight siblings. Thank God we were in the hutan — we found many things to do.
I was the youngest, so had my fair share of being bullied! But it was a house full of laughter. We didn't have to buy stuff. Nowadays kids want Toys"R"Us, but I remember my mother would come with this huge grocery box, and as soon as the things were taken out, we would tear that box apart. We'd sit on it and slide down the hill. I really miss those days. Somehow I feel my children don't get to do that.
We were also in an area where there were many JKR (Public Works Department) people, so we played with the neighbourhood kids a lot, most of them Indian Malaysians.
When I was young and in school, we never looked at other races as different. We felt that we were the same. Perhaps we had different colours, but we grew up with the same values: to do good, to be good to others.

16 April 2010


昨晚至今晚,连续的来电,无数的鼓励,谢谢你们,我的姐妹。我在此向你们致歉,对你们的疑惑: "为何我拒绝接受提名竞选雪州妇女组署理主席"; 只有解释再解释,虽然声带已近沙哑,依然无法诉尽我的感动,谢谢你们对我的认同与期待。


1. 会议进行程序颠倒, 本应先填补署理主席空缺,却不通过一般程序,只由主席在强调是'主席的权利'去委任整个执委会。由一个不完整的执行委员会(Exco),去接纳及核准委员会名单。这是有人认为策略上应先通过委任,看扁姐妹们只求有位坐,口中含糖不出声好办事。

2. 除了区会妇女组主席是当然委员及票选委员任期未届应在会议室,受委者理应在会议室外等候宣布委任名单后才列席; 下一个会议才正式是委员。简单比喻: 上议员收到委任通知书后,会在既定日期前往上议院宣誓就职后才上任。然而,这次的会议,未委任者早在会议开始前已进入会议室坐着等候委任,还漏口说及收到前任某某人亲自来电吩咐务必出席。会议里,主席再次行使'主席的权利',让受委者身份即刻生效。这一切,明眼人一看已知是为了捍卫'署理主席'一职给内定人选而为。

3.即要填补署理主席职位,凡是已有职位在身的人选理应先放弃原先职位,再去竞选另一个职位。简单比喻: 上议员得先辞去上议员一职才能当候选人,去竞选州议席或国会议席。雪州的前前任州务大臣拿督阿布哈山,就是辞去国会议席和部长职,才来竞选州议席再委为州务大臣。然而,主席所给与不需要先辞去原先职位的理由竟是中央妇女组也没有这样处理。中央妇女组当时没有这样处理不表示对,也可能一时忽略; 不过中央只推选一位人选填补署理主席,故辞不辞原先职位都已不是"问题'。

4.妇女组细则没列明的事项,一般就是依照常规(常规的来由就是一些条规在行使过程中,得到多人的认同与接受为合理)。简单比喻: 不能出席会议要通知秘书处; 生病请假要有医生发出的病假单。

5. 既标榜民主开明,会议却再三使用'主席的权利'; 既是如此,表明署理主席一职势在必得,非给内定人选不可。如接受提名,不仅给秘书处临时加重工作,也给姐妹们面临抉择难题。况且任期不过一年馀,而这职位不是一项荣耀而是一项责任;任重道远,既然有人挑就挑吧。更重要的是,既已看到会议程序的瑕疵,还接受提名参选,即使胜出等于认同程序,和个人原则有所抵触。

姐妹们,在那霎时得做出这样的决定,辜负你们的期待,我无限的抱歉。虽然,主席下'封口令': 不得向媒体发言或在部落留言; 我仍然得借'忠言闲话'这小角落,向没有机会解释的姐妹表达我的歉意,同时阐明'不接受提名参选署理主席'的理由。


09 April 2010



2009年12月28日,我在"忠言闲话"批这人物,曾说"we may have to ignore him and do not be bothered by this "little man" (小人物). The more we talked about him, the more he is in the news. May be, this is the way he gets to be known!" http://chongswen.blogspot.com/2009/12/ridhuan-tee-abdullah.html

本以为到此为止,没想却在2010年4月7日雪州国阵大会见到其人。当天因早上另有会议,直至午餐后才到现场; 忙向他人借节目表急翻,只见2位华裔受邀为大会主讲者; 一位是雪州马华顾问拿督叶炳汉,另一个竟是"Ridhuan TEE Abdullah, a Chinese Muslim convert(no matter how hard he can try, he can't take away his TEE)", 这是我在去年12月28日给于他的评语。想了一阵子,既已说不该再提此人,免得他更风光; 但是他乐不思蜀得让他人'以其族治其族',在台上享受'评贬自族表扬他族'的掌声,真难受。

一上台,有先见之明,他(懒得叫他的名)要求在场听他的讲词时,不要牵涉他的nenek-moyang。一听他的开场白,我心凉了; 知道接下去的要说的是让一部份人鼓掌欢呼,另一部份人以有此人为同类而惭怍。

他以他的肤色姓氏,及归依回教25年,乐得自夸跨两族; 此人以在马来甘榜成长,自榜熟悉马来民族的族性,然而只是冠上郑姓的他能说他熟通华裔族群的思维?以引用孔子的"修身养性,齐家治国"就代表他'华人通'?

讲了一大堆自以为'中庸'的X话,还用了他可能引以为傲的例子: "公平"不是你一碟饭,我一碟饭; 如果我只要一碟饭就饱,而你需要2碟饭才饱,那你一碟我一碟就不适用。



05 April 2010


前几天,林吉祥挑战副首相姆希汀究竟他是马来人第一还是马来西亚人第一,没想经验老道的副首相竟一时不堪'激',说了"我是马来人当然马来人先,但不表示我不关注马来西亚人。"。其实,应付林吉祥是不需要an answer for a question; 姆希汀是可以这样回答:"我是全民的副首相,马来人马来西亚人都是我的子民,谁比较有需要我就先帮谁。"

没想林吉祥以为他成功'激'倒副首相,乐此不疲,前天再向巫统的17位部长下同样的战书,要他们表明究竟以什么人为先?昨天质问民政党的许子根这问题,今日又向马华部长问同样问题!林先生,你这玩意儿究竟要持续玩多久?你所长的大慨就是死缠烂打,接下去,再问,再问 。。。。如果治国是这么容易,问几问就可为人民带来幸福带来佳政,那不太简单,世界早就太平了



民主行动党成立了45年,最拿手是向外说不代表单一民族,在内却无时无刻在找华裔课题下手制造不满情绪,更利害只会在华人集中区争取出位(当然,除了12届大选)。在砂劳越还不是和同阵线的公正党争吵,不肯放手华人区席位。哈!只要是以前有提过名的席位就归行动党,45年出征的席位当然比11年党龄的多,同阵线都欺负!到处插旗帜占位子,首考并不是能否赢出!还有资格评他人?另外拿手的一招就是评论而不需给建议! 批评不用本钱,反正不执政,讲到天花乱坠,办不到不关我事,就给执政的去头疼!


03 April 2010


愚人节晚,2位知交请吃韩餐(在他们眼中,或许我有愚人的傻劲); 回来后有感而在FB留言,结果有多位曾见过及一些尚未碰面的FB友为我打气。无以为报,仅将各位在FB的留言点滴,转载于部落为念。

Ong Chong Swen: 今晚2位知交约我吃韩餐。他们请我吃,不为什么,只因重选落榜。他们庆祝我的勇气,明知有人肯定会扯我后腿还勇往直前,同时也鼓励我保持仗义执言的特点。哈,原来落榜也可庆祝。今晚3人边吃边谈,笑谈世间事,傲视人间情,有江湖皆归感觉。
Yesterday at 23:56 · Comment ·Like Unlike

Ailing Lin, Tan Yang Chu, Teck Ee and 5 others like this..

Tan Kin Ning Tony: 虽然是短短的两个星期竞选四处拉票,说真的我对你留下深刻印象,和你的团友宥兴,国坚等也建立一定的友谊.谢谢你.........愿我的古腰支会和你的格拉那再也友谊永固!!!!
Today at 00:15 · .

Alan Hang Liong Yin 好好武装自己,下届再接再厉。先打好基础,努力出击。
Today at 01:14 ·

Bond Saw 您是我們心中的中委,加油!
Today at 02:29 · .

Lim Pe Hong 林伯芳 行动的结果很重要,但,对它的过程回味一般也是一种享受。頑張って下さい。
Today at 06:47 · .

Kevin Chang: Dato Seri CSL should appoint you as C.C. cause you are really a good politician who is hard working & willing to "turun padang". MCA needs this kind of people !
Today at 07:48 · .

Ong Chong Swen: 这次的参选和过去感觉不太一样。我想除了感激区会同志及助选团无私的参与,落力的配合; 无论在饭局或场合见到的同志朋友,大部份都能直呼我的名,给与我那熟悉温馨的感觉。当然,这回还加上FB朋友的呼应,就像在上面有几位,都是在这次党选才碰面。珍惜,谢谢。
Today at 07:50 · .

John ThSoh 苏添福 再接再厉,勇往直前,与你共勉之.
Today at 09:22 · .

Wei Herng Har 祝你好运.
Today at 09:34 · .

Elize Tai Yen Chin 很快的,一年会过去了。届时再披甲上战。
Today at 10:41 · .

列伟志 come next year, try again. if u r in seri kembangan area, let me know. show you famous hakka dishes
Today at 13:09 · .

Oliver Ling :It is very brave of you to speak out against CMF on FB.
Today at 13:17 · .

曾健銨 哈哈哈~大姐~恭喜你啊!今晚有知交請你吃韓餐,不過我也在等機會請你吃,牙菜雞和品賞怡保美食!大姐~如果你有時間來怡保的話,請通知我們!
Today at 18:08 · .

Ong Chong Swen: Thank you 伟志。Oliver, I didn't speak against her, but was making an attempt to correct her PA's statement.
Today at 18:08 · .

Oliver Ling: any way, that is great.
Today at 18:13 · .

Oliver Ling By the way where can I see the exchange btw you and her pa, i only learnt it from the newspaper.
Today at 18:27 ·.

曾健銨 大姐~你就好咯!今晚有知交請你去吃韓餐,我可不好了,因為我吃金蛋面。哈哈哈~開玩笑而已!大姐~如果你來怡保的話,我請你去吃牙菜雞和品賞怡保美食。不過要來之前,請告訴我先。
Today at 19:20 · .

Ong Chong Swen 健铵,有去怡保一定会请玉姐约你出来。Oliver,I have reposted the FB to my blog, you can go to my website www.chongswen.com "My Views" to look for it. But it is in Chinese, can you read Chinese?
11 hours ago · .

曾健銨 中文沒問題~
11 hours ago ·

Ong Chong Swen: Sure,我知道你会中文。But,I am not sured about Oliver Ling since Oliver is interested to read my FB & Blog.
11 hours ago · .

曾健銨 大姐~我剛剛看過你的website,非常的清楚。我真的很佩服你!我可以像你看齊嗎?你果然是一位“女強人”。而且你也是一位好“老婆”和好“母親”。看到你的全家福,你肯定是一位很幸福女士。哈哈哈~今年收到最有意義的禮物就是,能夠認識到大姐你。在此我誠心的祝福你幸福快樂。多多聯系。你是不是時常有上來怡保呢?這次的補選如何?
11 hours ago ·

Ailing Lin 塞翁失马,焉知非福。
10 hours ago · .

Ong Chong Swen 你们无条件的支持才是我的荣幸和幸福。
4 hours ago · .

Oliver Ling: Sure can, only lazy to type chinese. Thank you very much.
about an hour ago ·

Helen Chen 虽然我来自沙劳越,没机会参加投票,但是我也会默默为你在心中投下神圣的一票,你给我感觉,清爽,正直。。。我爱您。。+ U!
