27 May 2010

Happy Wesak Day 卫塞节快乐



让我们在卫塞节,礼佛学道; 并祝国泰民安。

To all Malaysians and Residents in Subang Jaya, USJ, Bandar Sunway, Seri Setia and all areas in Kelana Jaya Parliment Constituency, who celebrate Wesak Day:

Happy Wesak Day

Selamat Hari Wesak

To others, enjoy your holidays, drive carefully & reach home safely


Ong Chong Swen

Penyelaras Parlimen Kelana Jaya

Ketua MCA Bahagian Kelana Jaya

Ketua Wanita MCA Bahagian Kelana Jaya

and 率领
MCA KJ Committe Members




25 May 2010

Thousand Islands 千岛湖

当听说美东行程包括千島湖,心中不仅想起几年前旅客沉溺中国千島湖的災难; 但一路走览来的印象,对此地安全设施有信心。

其实,那些爱吃蔬菜水果沙拉的朋友对Thousand Islands肯定有印象,因为其中一种受欢迎的Thousand Islands沙拉醬; 发源地就在此。

Thousand Islands are scattered on the St. Lawrence River in northern New York; more than 1800 islands of varying sizes, from as tiny as an island that has 2 trees (defination for a land to qualify as an island is to have at least 2 trees & above water 365 days) to islands that have residential houses and parks. The water is clear and the wind is breezy. It is such a view when 1 seated on the cruise, breezy wind and fascinating scenery.

Many of the islands, developed with stately homes, are privately-owned. One of the famous homes, Boldt Castle, built on Heart Island by George Boldt as a present for his wife, is definately the landmark of The Thousand Islands. However, the wife never had the opportunity to stay in this huge beautiful castle, she passed away 3 weeks just before the castle being completed. Since then, George Boldt never returned to Heart Island. The castle is now under the state and open for public viewing. I am impressed by the way the whole area is being maintained.

The tour guide told us 1 interesting story & asked us to take note of 1 tiny house built on a small island not far from the castle, which was meant for the mother-in-law. This tiny house is such a big contrast compared to the stately castle, it doesn't make sense to me how 1 can love the daughter so much, yet ready to put the mother-in-law in a tiny house that is only a few feet away from water.

There is another interesting feature, there is 1 owner of 2 islands, he built a house on the bigger island and a garden on a smaller island. 1 island is in America water & 1 island is in Canada water; the bridge that built across the 2 islands is the shortest international bridge. I wonder whether when the owner walked to his garden from his house, he has to get his passport stamped!
This is a summer retreat since 19th century for the wealthy, now with many summer houses built around or overlooking St.Lawrence River, it has become one of the popular retreats for Americans.

written at York Avenue, NY 24-05-2010 5.40pm

22 May 2010


看着华盛顿的铜像竖立在Philadelphia, Pennsylvania临时的简单二层国会建筑,面对Liberty Bell展览馆;到今天在华盛顿,美国首府的Capital Building,其中的过程与发展,令人深思。爭取独立,前人所耗费的精神与毅力,所付出的人命与血汗,岂是后人所能想象。

沒有这两位人士Rosa Parks & Martin Luther King,美国黑人可能还无法享有今日的地位,更別想有黑人总统奥巴马。



18 May 2010

The Universities in US 美国著名大学

日前去 Connecticut访览闻名世界的耶鲁大学 Yale University,接着去Massachusetts访览举世闻名的Havard University哈佛大学及Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT)麻省理工学院; 之后又到访纽约的Columbia University哥伦比亚大学。这回来美国,连之前去住了几天的Indiana State University,竟参观了5间美国大学;和一般旅客到美国游山玩水的旅程有別。

(1)耶鲁大学Yale University,成立于1701年,是一所私立大学; 和哈佛、普林斯顿大学齐名,历年来共同角逐美国大学和研究生院前三名的位置。美国前任总统克林顿和太太希拉莉是这间大学的毕业生;中国国家主席胡锦涛也曾于2006年4月21日在这间大学发表重要演讲。一位曾在这大学求学的学生Nathan Hale, was admitted to Yale College in 1768 when he was fourteen years old, he was hanged on 22 September 1776 at the age of 21. Hale has long been considered an American hero and, in 1985, he was officially designated the state hero of Connecticut. He is best remembered for his speech: "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country" before being hanged.

(2)哈佛大学Havard University 成立于1636年,由Great and General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Colony创办;是美国最古老的一间大学。在1639,这间大学才正式命名为哈佛大学; 那是因为有一位定居麻省Charlestown的英国人John Harvard在1638逝世后, 把他的存书及一半的产业送给这间大学。然而,竖立在校园内的铜像四周却尿味甚重; 据说是大学死对头MIT学生所为,有待求证。美国第一任总统华盛顿,在还是将军时曾在校园里的这幢木屋商议美国独立大事。而美国前任总统小布斯除了曾在Yale University念过,也是哈佛毕业生; 能进入2间名校是创举,但也有评论他执政时就是'聪明过头懵懂一世'。



(3)麻省理工学院Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT),於1861年由一位著名的自然科學家威廉·巴頓·羅傑斯創立,但在1865年才迎來了第一批學生。在2009年全球資訊網的世界大學排名,MIT麻省理工排名世界第一。泰晤士報專上教育增刊的世界大學排名,麻省理工學院在總平均排名世界第二(僅次於哈佛大學)。Havard和MIT,都设立于Massachusetts,MIT曾一度被建议与哈佛大學合併,但在MIT學生的强烈抗議之下被迫取消。两校校园虽在邻近,但两校学生却因历史因素及爭排名而互相敵视,连在Charles River上的桥虽被命名为哈佛桥,但MIT的学生却自称为MIT桥。



(4)哥伦比亚大学Columbia University, was founded in 1754 as King's College by royal charter of George II of Great Britain, 是纽约州最古老的大学,在美国则排列为第五古老的大学。根据Forbes Magazine在2008年的统计, Columbia University在美国大学ranks 5th that have produced the largest number of living billionaires.



于纽约18-05-2010 10.55PM

14 May 2010

New York New York 纽约纽约


幸好去Brooklyn Botanic Garden时气候凉爽,徒步走览,奇花异树让人眼不胜收,拍了不少照。闻名世界的Mahanttan Central Park 更是纽约的心脈,面积极大; 在漫步游览观景尝花时,得到不少啟示。

1931年完成的帝国大厦Empire State Building,是New York的地标。每天国内外的游客就是有那么多,大家耐心的有秩序的移步,从底层列队进入购票处竟耗了整个小时; 从购票处列队坐电梯上80楼层也用上30分钟。我们不想再耗时列队坐电梯,从80层步行走上86楼层。整个纽约市尽在眼里脚下,看到的不仅是幢幢高楼大厦,连远在另一角的自由女神像也收在眼中。心想吉隆玻的双峰塔,其实更雄伟,不知何时能有此等人潮。走下帝国大厦,走到附近的小公园竟见一群又一群人,逍遥的坐着躺着,似乎不管人间事,羡慕他们的自在。

纽约的Broadway街及Time Square的人潮,不是周末也是如此热闹。走在人群中,放松心怀,和他们共坐台階,悠闲看周遭,体会身为游客的心态,竟有一番境界。

written in NY at11.50am 14thMay
