25 January 2011

Oh, 不单睡觉,还梦游!



王钟璇举例,除雪州公正党执政后在09年的禁酒令,还有最近的禁回教徒在售卖酒的场所上班风波外; 吉打回教党当权后土著房屋固打由国阵执政期的30% 增至70%,吉州政府跨年庆典指示男女分开坐,丹州聂阿兹更指正副首相不需土著却必须是回教徒,女性要穿戴头巾及不应该涂口红和搽香水,以便减低被强奸的风险等谬论。


在丁能补选回教党女候选人戴手套拜票的事件来看,尊重个人宗教选择与禁忌无可厚非; 但既然选择出来参选接受与民同在的任务,就必须要有取舍的准备。成为公众人物后,将失去一些个人选择的自由权利,不能再存有一般人心理。不然,这和90年代闹得沸沸扬扬的某些回教徒女医生,因宗教禁忌只肯用原子笔验脉搏的笑话一样。

以此来看,民联的"大家长"的确不是公正党或民主行动党,而是主张建立神权回教国及推行回教型法的回教党; 所以才由回教党莎阿南区国会议员卡立沙末来说民联三党没"大家长"制。这正是 “此地无银300两” 的典型例子。

她发表文告指出,行动党指责马华在睡觉,以为选民仍跟1999年时一样,只要一讲回教国华人就会害怕。其实回教党要以回教法执政是事实,吉兰丹州州务大臣聂阿兹就曾在一次访谈中说在丹州没有实践回教法执政,是因为担心实行后会让国阵再夺回政权。这不就说明不是不想,而是因有国阵的存在而 “投鼠忌器” 。行动党及公正党为了当权执政,不得不与回教党结盟; 而首决条件只有配合协助,才可能有机会步入布城,而逐步落实回教法是不变的事实。行动党继续狡辩,误导人民,那行动党才是不单在睡觉,还在梦游 !

她也直批在行动党不断抨击马华纵容巫统种族政策,导致种族政治白热化;事实上,过去毫无节制挑起种族政治的正是行动党领袖。自从行动党在大马这块土地上落脚,有那一回不是针对种族课题,没有解决方案的挑拨; 只有尖酸泼辣的 “唱”。反正当'马上'英雄呼幺喝六,不需考虑'平地'掌权所要面对的多元文化宗教等挑战。

马华和国阵,面对308后的努力和改变,虽还无法如人所愿,却已踩中行动党要害 ! 行动党是不能容许马华或国阵改变,符合民意,不然它就没有市场,失去生存的空间与意义。所以,行动党只有原地踏步,继续在族群中散播 ‘是是而非,让人听爽’ 的言论。




  1. 連你也淪落到要攻擊參選人的握手課題。


  2. Mountebank,好久没讯息,可好?
    握手事件在这篇贴文里,只不过是一个例子; 我阐明看法,文中没有攻击字眼,反而是你用'沦落'来形容我的看法有问题。

  3. To be fair, shaking hands are no guarantee as being friendly, what is in the minds and the hearts determine the sincerity and honesty. In this issue of how PAS candidate had refused to come to physical contacts with others, and as compared with the years of deteriorations of morality and abuses of powers with so many scandals from BMF, PERWAJA till current PKFZ, BN had to be reminded the pwoer entursted could not be abused and a two party system will be a better but may not be the perfect system. Looking at the successes of the tiny city state of our south with near zero natural resouces but with great wisdom to use those talents and good human resources especially from Malaysia and Asean + across the world now, the per capita income is far much higher than us. The leader who had led in 1981 with currency exchange of for 1 S$ = 1 RM and then now we have to pay 1 S$ = 2.4 RM , we are just such a lousy manager of money despite we have so many resources, it is all because of the greed of such people with power entrusted by the public had abused their positions, and unless there is a chance as it was shown since 308, the abuses of powers like the case of Pualau Jelajak, Big castle of ex MB of Selangor, the huge salary of Syabas CEO, the chance of abuses to be exposed with two party system in place will caution whoever with pwoer then to be more professional, and thus will help to prevent the abuses though not able to remove the abuses of power, two party system will definitely bring better governance as BN had been ruling too long with currency exchange with Singapore Dollar will show clearly as how bad we had managed our resources, and I also believe the hungry PR will not turn things around as many others imagined, still, the two party system will give a chance of better governance to be developed over times as compared to ONLY one party system that led to 1 S$ = 2.4 RM !!!
